
旅游英语导游词 篇1

Zhuhai Haiquanwan mysterious island, mysterious island theme parkHaiquanwan mysterious island is located in Haiquanwan resort city in the west ofZhuhai, covering an area of about 1 square kilometers. Taking the rare ocean hotspring as the core, it is composed of eight parts: two five-star resort hotels,fisherman's Wharf integrating food, entertainment and performance, high-techmodern theater, exciting mysterious island theme park, star service physicalexamination center, fitness club for health, and expansion training camp forelite team. Haiquan Bay mysterious island, the mysterious and strange pirateCastle area of Haiquan Bay mysterious island. The southwest corner of HaiquanBay mysterious island was originally a fishing port, which was later occupied bypirates and became an important supply station and stronghold at sea. After aseries of resistance and repression, the residents of mysterious island finallydefeated the heinous pirates. There were pirate three masted sailboats, PirateSkeleton flags, old-fashioned rifles, rusty knives and powder kegs. Two blackcannons watched the lake in silence, as if ready to fire at any time to attackthe pirates.

Zhuhai mysterious island Haiquan Bay mysterious island dream fairy taleMermaid Lake District colorful and lovely ocean cartoon is the young theme ofmermaid Lake District. The street lights and flagpoles in the whole area aresurrounded by seaweed, like coral pillars on the sea floor. High flagpole, fullof fish flag, slender fish flag is the shape of all kinds of marine fish,floating in the wind, like countless marine fish swimming in the sea. Haiquanwanmysterious island is the birthplace of Haiquanwan mysterious island. Themysterious island is full of mysterious and magical power. The cracks betweennumerous stones and the springs in the land hiss with white steam, as if amysterious force at the foot is flowing everywhere, looking for the passage outof the surface. Under the action of mysterious forces, the huge rocks havebroken away from the conventional massive structure and are growing freely withthis incredible shape and angle.

On the roadside rocks, there are countless devout, frightened, eager andgiant faces, large and small. With the passage of time, the statues of faces arecovered with a thick layer of moss, with a deeper mystery in the blur. The waterscreen movie of Haiquan Bay mysterious island the dreamlike water screen movieof Haiquan Bay mysterious island has a wonderful performance in the inner lakeof fisherman's Wharf at the beginning of the Lantern Festival. The spring in thefountain square is a perfect combination of music and laser. It's like a jadeplate with beads falling down. It's exciting.

EDSA, WatG, forrec of Canada, Nihon Sekkei of Japan, Wilson &Associates of America, Inc, hbaand cell of Hong Kong are responsible for theoverall planning and landscape design, architectural design, theme park planningand design, hot spring project and interior decoration design of the resortrespectively.

The 2.7 km long coastal couple Road, more than 200000 square meters of lakewater system and 300000 square meters of green area make the resort maintain aharmonious and perfect ecological environment.

According to statistics, during the Spring Festival, Haiquan Bay received200000 tourists, eight of whom were family tourists.

There is no new year's Eve in 20__. Traditionally, it should be the daywhen the whole family gather at home to watch the new year. However, nearly 1000rooms of two five-star hotels in Haiquan Bay are all full. Neptune resort hotelopens on the first day of the year, and tourists can't wait to stay in. From 29to the seventh day of the new year, the opening rate of two hotels in HaiquanBay is 99%.

It was designed by FORREC, a Canadian company that once served for LotteWorld in Korea and Universal Studios. According to the natural beautifulcoastline and natural lake surface, it skillfully integrates a variety ofexciting high-tech amusement equipment with Mediterranean style buildings,forming a passionate lucky Avenue area, a thrilling adventure jungle area, amysterious and treacherous pirate Castle area, a dreamy and fairy tale MermaidLa ke area and a passionate mysterious island area. It is a large-scale moderntheme park integrating experience, plot, entertainment and interest. It has theworld's advanced amusement equipment, the first catapult "roller coaster" inAsia, the first "vertical limit" in China, more than 100 kinds of amusementprojects, more than 10 kinds of unique and wonderful music and danceperformances in China, and the first theme expansion training camp in China Thejourney is full of adventure and excitement.

Haiquanwan resort, located in the west of Zhuhai, is another masterpiece ofHong Kong CTS International Investment Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong listing Code: 308)after Shenzhen Jinxiu Chinese folk village and window of the world. The initialinvestment is 2.2 billion yuan, covering an area of about 1 square kilometer.Taking the rare ocean hot spring as the core, it is composed of eight parts: twofive-star resort hotels, fisherman's Wharf integrating food, entertainment andperformance, high-tech modern theater, exciting mysterious island theme park,star service physical examination center, fitness club for health, and expansiontraining camp for elite team. It was fully opened on January 22, 20__.

旅游英语导游词 篇2

Jingyuetan is known as the green pearl. Located in the southeast ofChangchun City, Jingyuetan is known as the sister lake of Sun Moon Lake inChinese Taiwan. Jingyuetan has been named as a national scenic spot and a nationalforest park by the State Council and the Ministry of forestry. It has become aprovincial resort in Jilin Province. Jingyuetan is a wonderful place for springouting, summer summer, autumn foliage, winter skating and skiing.

Jingyuetan scenic area, covering an area of 151 square kilometers, is 12kilometers away from the center of the city. It is directly connected to thelakeside by the national first-class highway. The scenic area covers an area ofmore than 83 square kilometers. It is divided into four scenic spots: Tanbeimountain scenery, Tannan forest sea, Yuetan Shuiguang and Tandong village. Themain scenic spot is water scenery, set off by mountain villages, and thevegetation is rich. Due to its geographical location, perfect forest landscapeand clear water, it was opened as the northern green center by the state in1986. In 1988, the Ministry of forestry approved it as a national forestpark.

Jingyuetan scenic spot is the largest plantation in China. There are 8000hectares of plantations that have been growing for more than 50 years, which isfamous in the world. So far, Jingyuetan has formed a unique forest landscapewith multi tree species, multi-level and multi structure. It has become an idealenvironment for outing, spring outing, camping, mountaineering, flower watching,moon watching and summer vacation. Because afforestation has always been thesame as the pines, the forest is quiet and mysterious.

The Taiping building on the view of the tan mountain is elegant and unique.It is an artistic masterpiece integrating the essence of ancient and modernarchitecture. There are two ancient tombs of Jin Dynasty in the mountainvillage, which have been listed as cultural relics protection units in ChangchunCity.

With the approval of Jilin Provincial People's government, ChangchunJingyuetan Tourism Economic Development Zone was established. The area includesJingyuetan National key scenic spot, Jingyuetan National Forest Park andJingyuetan Tourist Resort in Jilin Province. With a planning area of 186.138square kilometers, it has jurisdiction over two renovated townships (towns), twostate-owned forest farms and Jingyuetan reservoir.

旅游英语导游词 篇3

Today we are going to visit Xinyang Nanwan Lake scenic spot. Nanwan Lakescenic spot is located in the southwest suburb of Xinyang City, only 5kilometers away from Xinyang City.

Nanwan Lake scenic spot is centered on Nanwan lake, including most of themountains, forests and water areas of six townships, including Dongjiahe,shihegang, shishiliqiao and Nanwan. It is adjacent to Xinying (Xinyang Yingshan)highway in the East, xintianfan in the south, zhaihouwan in the West andshuangtouzhai in the north, with a total area of 443 square kilometers.

Nanwan Lake scenic area is a transitional climate zone from northsubtropical zone to warm temperate zone. The four seasons are distinct and theclimate is pleasant. The terrain is high in the southwest and low in thenortheast, surrounded by low mountains and rolling hills. Nanwan lake, thecenter of the scenic spot, is the confluence of Chengshi River, Wudao River,Dongjia River, Xiaoyou River and Feisha river. The water quality is clear andblue. The unique geographical features have created the beautiful mountains andwaters in Nanwan. The long history of Nanwan has left many places of interestand revolutionary sites, making it a famous tourist attraction at home andabroad. Nanwan Lake scenic area is divided into five browsing areas, namely:Nanwan lake dam browsing area, cheyun mountain browsing area, Huanglong TempleTourism Area, xianshifan browsing area and Tanjiahe browsing area. Today we arevisiting the Nanwan lake dam area.

Dear friends, we are now on the Nanwan lake dam. Nanwan lake, also known asNanwan Reservoir, is named after the dam built in Nanwan. Built from 1952 to1958, the reservoir is a comprehensive reservoir integrating flood control,power generation, breeding, water supply and shipping. The dam is 38 metershigh, 835 meters long, 8 meters wide at the top and 22 or 4 meters wide at thebottom. The lake area is 70 square kilometers, the reservoir capacity is 1.63billion cubic meters, and the drainage area is 1100 square kilometers. Morefamous are bird island, Monkey Island, osmanthus Island, Rhododendron Island,etc. every year hundreds of thousands of tourists come here for sightseeing andvacation.

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With the launch of the yacht, our journey is about to begin. Nanwan lake islocated in the climate transition zone between the north and the south of China,with natural scenery of lakes and mountains, morning mist and morning mist.Among the more than 100 small islands in Nanwan lake, one is called bird island.Every year, hundreds of thousands of migratory birds come to the island to liveand breed. The island is simply the home of birds. Most of these birds areherons, including egrets, herons, grey herons, cuckoos, huangpeng, myna, etc.,which attract countless tourists. This reminds me of the famous Tang poem "twohuangpengming green willows, a line of egrets in the sky". In addition to thebird island, in recent years, the scenic area has also developed Monkey Island,"Tang Wang's visit to the earth", osmanthus Island, etc., as well as wateryachting, skydiving and other activities. Dear friends, if we abandon the shipand travel to the upstream area, we must not miss Heilongtan and Bailongtan.Black dragon pool, white dragon pool and the surrounding cheyun mountain, Jiyunmountain, Lianyun mountain, Tianyun mountain and Yunwu Mountain form the "fiveclouds and two pools" scenic spot, which is a good place for tourists: themountain is beautiful, the pool is quiet and pleasant. Xinyang Maojian, a famousChinese tea, grows around Wuyun and Liangtan. In 1915, Xinyang Maojian won thegold medal at Panama International Exposition. In 1990, Longtan Xinyang Maojianwon the national gold medal in the national famous tea competition. Modernmedical research has proved that tea has the functions of clearing the heart,eliminating food and diuresis, invigorating the brain and refreshing,anti-aging, etc. when you get here, don't forget to bring some bags ofhigh-quality Xinyang Maojian tea to yourself and friends!

旅游英语导游词 篇4

Located on Guangfu Road in the northeast corner of Changchun City, thepuppet Manchukuo Palace Museum covers an area of 12 hectares. It is the palaceof Aixinjueluo Puyi, the puppet emperor of the puppet Manchukuo state. He livedhere from 1932 to 1945. The main building of the Puppet Manchurian palace is agroup of two-story buildings covered with yellow glazed tiles, including Qinminbuilding, Jixi building and Tongde hall. These three buildings are unique instyle and are a combination of Chinese and Western styles.

The museum can be divided into two parts: the outer court for politicalactivities and the inner court for daily life. The outer court (Imperial Palace)is the place where Puyi deals with government affairs. The main buildings areQinmin building, Huaiyuan building and Jiale hall. Qinmin building is the placewhere Puyi works. In addition, there are garden, rockery, fish pond, swimmingpool, tennis court, golf course, horse racing course, calligraphy and paintinglibrary and other ancillary places. The inner court (Imperial Palace) is thedaily life area of Puyi and his family. Among them, Jixi building is theresidence of Puyi and empress Wanrong, which is the daily living place; Tongdehall is the residence of "Fugui people", which also has some entertainmentfacilities. Today, a part of the Imperial Palace has been set up as JilinProvincial Museum, displaying historical materials of the feudal dynastiesestablished in Northeast China, such as Koguryo, Bohai, Liao, Jin, etc.

The Museum of Manchukuo palace is a palace site museum built on the formersite of Manchukuo palace. Taking the cultural relics, documents and pictures ofthe puppet Manchukuo period as the main objects of collection, the history ofJapan's occupation of Northeast China, the history of puppet Manchukuo, and thehistory of puppet Manchukuo palace as the main research contents, the formersite of the puppet Manchukuo palace as the carrier, and the exhibition as themeans, through the basic exhibition and special exhibition of "the puppetManchukuo palace in its original state", "from emperor to citizen", "don'tforget September 18" The exhibition reveals the crimes of Japan's occupation ofNortheast China by force, the implementation of fascist colonial rule, and thepuppet regime of Manchukuo headed by Puyi - the crimes of seeking honor,alleging to Japan, being emperor gandanger, enslaving and maiming the people ofNortheast China; it also shows the distorted palace life of Puyi and his"empresses" and "concubines". In order to inspire the national spirit, unite thenational strength, maintain world peace and seek common development, we shouldcarry out modern history education and patriotism education for the masses,especially the teenagers.

The main collection objects of the museum are the history of Japan'soccupation of Northeast China, the history of Manchukuo and the history ofManchukuo palace. Taking the former site of Manchukuo palace as the carrier andby means of display and exhibition, the museum has held basic exhibitions andspecial exhibitions, such as "display of Manchukuo Palace in its originalstate", "from emperor to citizen" and "don't forget September 18" The crime ofoccupying Northeast China, carrying out fascist colonial rule, and the puppetregime of Manchukuo headed by Puyi - the crime of seeking honor, being loyal toJapan, being emperor ganer, enslaving and maiming the people of Northeast China;the distorted palace life of Puyi and his "empresses" and "concubines". In orderto inspire the national spirit, unite the national strength, maintain worldpeace and seek common development, we should carry out modern history educationand patriotism education for the masses, especially the teenagers.

The puppet Manchukuo Palace Museum was established in 1962, and then workedtogether with Jilin Provincial Museum. In 1982, it resumed its establishment. In1984, it officially opened to the public to receive visitors. The original nameof the museum was Jilin provincial puppet Palace Museum. In 20__, it was underthe management of Changchun Municipal government. On February 18, 20__, it wasrenamed puppet Manchukuo Palace Museum. At present, the protected area is 137000square meters, including 47000 square meters of exhibition area, 161 employeesand nearly 20000 cultural relics. Since its opening, the museum has receivednearly 5 million visitors from home and abroad, and has been rated as a national4A tourist attraction and a national excellent patriotism education base.

In the northeast corner of Changchun, the beautiful spring city of theNorthern Kingdom, there is a building complex that is quite different frommodern architecture. It is the Palace site of the last emperor of China,Aixinjueluo Puyi, when he acted as the puppet emperor of the puppet Manchuriastate, covering an area of 137000 square meters. Among them, the main part ofthe palace, namely the core reserve, is 46000 square meters, and the rest is thesubsidiary part.

The Puppet Manchurian Palace Museum is one of the more complete palacesites preserved in China so far. It has a close relationship with ShenyangPalace Museum and Beijing Palace Museum in history. The nature of the puppetManchukuo palace itself is the Palace site where Puyi, the last monarch ofChina's feudal society, acted as the puppet emperor of the puppet Manchukuo. Itis also a historical witness of Japan's invasion of Northeast China, processingof the puppet Manchukuo and its colonial rule. The complexity of the historicalbackground and the multiplicity of cultural connotation of the Puppet Manchurianpalace determine its unique nature, as well as the scarcity, universality anduniqueness of cultural resources. The puppet Manchukuo palace is now open todisplay more than 20 kinds of original displays and special exhibitions. Everyyear, it attracts a large number of audiences at home and abroad to visit. Ithas received excellent social repercussions and left endless reverie andenlightenment. Have you ever been to Changchun, the beautiful spring city ofnorthern China? Do you know Puyi and Manchukuo palace? It will be a lifelongregret for you not to visit Manchukuo Palace Museum!

旅游英语导游词 篇5

Welcome to here! I'm your guide. My name is X. you can call me Xiao X. Inorder to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you.

Shijingshan is the best sightseeing spot in Zhuhai City. Shijingshancableway is located in the famous Jingshan Park in the center of Zhuhai City.Shijingshan covers an area of 579000 square meters with an altitude of 148meters. The stone scenery here is unique, the secluded cave is strange, thegreen lake is clear, and the vegetation is rich. The beauty of the stone forestPavilion and the strange cultural scenery are in harmony with the graceful"Fisherman" by the Xianglu Bay. The cable slide project of Shijingshan in Zhuhaiinvested and developed by Zhuhai Sanxin cableway Co., Ltd. in 1998 is located inthe Jingshan Park near the mountain and the sea in the center of ZhuhaiCity.

Shijingshan is famous for its many strange stone scenes. The strange rockson the mountain are undulating and falling down on the rocks. They are scatteredin an orderly way. They are like galloping horses to wipe out the dust. They arelike people returning to the sea. They are a natural picture of all kinds ofanimals, so they are named Shijingshan. Ropeway reaches the top of the mountain,the most visible: Oriental Pearl, Hongkong, south view east Monte Carlo - Macao,a green Zhuhai tree, overlooking the incense burner, the fishing girl close athand and the jade lovers' Chui TSE, winding the seaside "Lovers Road", andpicturesque scenery makes people feel the modern and romantic atmosphere of"romantic city". From the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain,there is a 630 meter long pipe track slide, which crosses the stone and forest,sweeps the green and rushes the secluded, twists and turns, fresh and exciting.Riding it, the rapid heartbeat of the dynamic suddenly gives birth to the"world's first rush" detachment and pride. Since its opening in 1998, it hasreceived more than two million tourists from home and abroad. It is the mostfamous tourist attraction in Zhuhai.

At present, Jingshan Park includes: Peak view area, hillside stone area,lakeside recreation area, cableway slide area and large amusement park area. Thescenic spot at the top of the mountain overlooks the beautiful Xianglu bay withthe famous symbol of Zhuhai City - "fishing girl" statue, as well as most of thecity appearance of Macao and Zhuhai. It is an excellent place for tourists toenjoy the sea view and urban landscape; The hillside stone scenic spot is uniquein various forms of stone scenery. There are 26 groups of distinctive stonescenery, which are: Xianglu cave, toad stone, Guanyin cave, Tongtian cave, Foshicave, Haiou stone, whale emerald stone, shuangxiang yunbao, Haiyu stone,zhuyaochi, Nantian Yizhu, buffalo stone, panda stone, Fuhu stone, single humpedstone camel, yidongtian, Feizhu stone Yangguidong stone, panda playing bamboostone, rhinoceros moon stone, flying eagle stone, yixiantian stone, seal stone,"Fu" stone, "Shou" stone, etc.

There are also Zhuhai's "two wonders": the water and stone wonder of thecombination of waterfalls and different rocks - "Bitan floating waterfall", anda pair of Metasequoia trees - "lovers tree", which coexist in the middle of thelake and depend on each other. The lakeside recreation area is centered on Cuihulake, an artificial lake with an area of about 6000 square meters. It issurrounded by a large area of sloping grassland, and has been built intochildren's playground, water playground (boat and fishing activity center), birdparadise - Fun garden, rope skating and other recreational projects.

At the bottom of the ship, on the south slope of Shandong Province, is thecableway area of Shijingshan. There is a unique mountain assault vehicle inZhuhai, and the world's first tube rail slide. It has a total length of 650meters, an average inclination of 10.2 degrees, and an average height above theground of 0.8 meters. The whole set of equipment is imported from Germany'slatest products, which are composed of 5 big curves and 3 small curves. Thespeed is all controlled by ourselves, with triple insurance facilities. Thespeed is controlled by ourselves, which can be fast or slow, safe andcomfortable. Take the cable car to view the scenery, overlooking the mountainsand green island, overlooking the romantic city, fresh and happy, carefree.

Features: the rocks on Shijingshan mountain are jagged and strange, likeall kinds of birds and animals. It is a strange stone zoo. From afar, themountains are full of strange rocks, like a natural picture of galloping horses.In the near view, there are "double elephants" with long noses drooping to theground, "goshawks" flapping their wings, honest and naughty "Panda", fiercetiger "lying in the mountain stream," carp ", raging" bison "," moon lookingrhinoceros "," double sheep galloping grass "," Zhenhai lion ", etc. And thereare yixiantian, Tongtian cave, Yingyang cave and other secluded caves. Lookingfrom a distance, you can see the waves and sails of Jiuzhou ocean. At the footof the mountain is Shijingshan tourist center, with sifan lake and Cuihu lake.There are 800 square meters of island in the center of Cuihu lake, watersidepavilion and fish pond for tourists to rest, row boats, fish and dance in theopen air. In the park, you can take the cable car to overlook the scenery ofZhuhai, Macao and Hong Kong. You can also drive the slide car to charge, whichmakes people have a good time. The Garden Lake can be used for boating andfishing. It is a good place for mountaineering and leisure.

Shijingshan Park Shijingshan in Zhuhai is also called rhinoceros moonmountain. Because there is a huge stone on the top of the mountain, which lookslike the head of a rhinoceros, and the shape of the mountain is like the body ofa rhinoceros. From a distance, it looks like a rhinoceros looking up at themoon. The northeast of the mountain is called chuandishan. Chuandishan is theZhuhai Radio and television transmission tower. The main tower is 180 metershigh and of steel structure. The weight of the tower is about 610 tons. Everynight, all the lights are put on, reflecting with the lights in the city, addingcolor to the night scene of Zhuhai

Founded in 1987, Shijingshan Park covers an area of about 500000 squaremeters and is located in the tourist center of Zhuhai City. Haibin North Road inthe East, Shijingshan tourist center in the south, Xiangzhou downtown in thenorth, convenient transportation, geographical location is very superior.Jingshan Park is close to the mountain and the sea, with exquisite and charmingscenery. It is a very good park for natural landscape and ecological environmentprotection in Zhuhai City. It is a garden like public park integrating stonescenery, climbing, children's recreation, sports extreme telecontrol andentertainment high-tech achievements.

The park's annual May Day, Mid Autumn Festival, Spring Festival,large-scale cultural activities planned by the park itself and the annual DoubleNinth Festival (designated climbing site in Zhuhai) have formed a must gotradition among the general public every year. Jingshan Park has a completemanagement organization and sound management system. Adhering to the principleof "law-abiding operation and fair competition", the park has gained a goodreputation for its rich and colorful holiday cultural activities and uniqueamusement projects. On the premise of maintaining the park's characteristics andpaying close attention to environmental beautification, Jingshan Park vigorouslyintroduces new, strange, dangerous and interesting entertainment projects thatare beneficial to tourists' physical and mental health, so as to make JingshanPark stand out in Zhuhai's tourism industry with a new look. It will become abright pearl in Zhuhai and add a beautiful scenery line to the beautifulZhuhai!

旅游英语导游词 篇6

Welcome to here! I'm your guide. My name is X. you can call me Xiao X. Inorder to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you.

Founded in 1987, Shijingshan Park covers an area of about 500000 squaremeters and is located in the tourist center of Zhuhai City. Haibin North Road inthe East, Shijingshan tourist center in the south, Xiangzhou downtown in thenorth, convenient transportation, geographical location is very superior.Jingshan Park is close to the mountain and the sea, with exquisite and charmingscenery. It is a very good park for natural landscape and ecological environmentprotection in Zhuhai City. It is a garden like public park integrating stonescenery, climbing, children's recreation, sports extreme telecontrol andentertainment high-tech achievements.

Shijingshan is the best sightseeing spot in Zhuhai City. Shijingshancableway is located in the famous Jingshan Park in the center of Zhuhai City.Shijingshan covers an area of 579000 square meters with an altitude of 148meters. The stone scenery here is unique, the secluded cave is strange, thegreen lake is clear, and the vegetation is rich. The beauty of the stone forestPavilion and the strange cultural scenery are in harmony with the graceful"Fisherman" by the Xianglu Bay. The cable slide project of Shijingshan in Zhuhaiinvested and developed by Zhuhai Sanxin cableway Co., Ltd. in 1998 is located inthe Jingshan Park near the mountain and the sea in the center of ZhuhaiCity.

Shijingshan is famous for its many strange stone scenes. The strange rockson the mountain are undulating and falling down on the rocks. They are scatteredin an orderly way. They are like galloping horses to wipe out the dust. They arelike people returning to the sea. They are a natural picture of all kinds ofanimals, so they are named Shijingshan. Ropeway reaches the top of the mountain,the most visible: Oriental Pearl, Hongkong, south view east Monte Carlo - Macao,a green Zhuhai tree, overlooking the incense burner, the fishing girl close athand and the jade lovers' Chui TSE, winding the seaside "lovers' road". From thetop of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, there is a 630 meter longpipe track slide, which crosses the stone and forest, sweeps the green andrushes the secluded, twists and turns, fresh and exciting. Riding it, the rapidheartbeat of the dynamic suddenly gives birth to the world's first rush ofdetachment and pride. Since its opening in 1998, it has received more than twomillion tourists from home and abroad. It is the most famous tourist attractionin Zhuhai.

Shijingshan cable car (at the entrance of the cableway) is 350 meters long,with a running speed of 1.25 m / s and a one-way transportation capacity of 500people / hour. When you line up to take the cable car here, you should payattention to following the instructions of the staff and not taking fireworks upthe mountain. Cableway package tickets are in two copies. Please take good careof your tickets and use them when you go down the mountain.

At the top of Shijingshan mountain, there is a 20__ square metersightseeing and leisure platform made of shirt wood. It is the highest andlargest sightseeing and leisure platform in Zhuhai. There is a uniquesightseeing and leisure teahouse in Zhuhai. At the top of the mountain, you canhave a panoramic view of Zhuhai City, and you can have a panoramic view of thewhole Zhuhai City.

旅游英语导游词 篇7

Today I'm going to show you the memorial hall of the former residence ofthe famous Anti Japanese national hero General Yang Jingyu.

The memorial hall of General Yang Jingyu's former residence is 15kilometers away from Queshan county. Before arriving at the memorial hall, Iwould like to introduce the glorious life of General Yang Jingyu to you.

General Yang Jingyu's surname was Ma, his name was Shangde, his breast namewas Shunqing, and his name was Jisheng. He was born on February 26, 1905 (the10th day of the first lunar month) in a farmer's family in Liwan village,Queshan county. He studied in a village private school when he was a child. In1918, he was admitted to the first primary school of Queshan county withexcellent results. In 1919, the May 4th Youth Patriotic Movement swept acrossthe country. At the age of 14, Yang Jingyu devoted himself to the fiercestruggle. In the autumn of 1923, he was admitted to Kaifeng weaving and dyeingschool in Henan Province, where he joined the Communist Youth League of China in1926. In the winter of the same year, under the instruction of the party andLeague organization, he led the peasant movement in huiqueshan county. In thespring of 1927, Yang Jingyu was elected as the president of the farmers'Association of Queshan county. In April, he led the shocking peasant uprising insouthern Henan, organized 50000 peasants to besiege Queshan county. After fourdays of fierce fighting, he occupied the county, defeated a brigade of theEighth Army of the Northern Warlords, captured Wang Shaoqu, the countymagistrate, and established the county-level people's political power led by theCommunist Party of China -- the temporary Public Security Commissioner ofQueshan county At the meeting, Yang Jingyu was elected as the Standing Committeemember. On June 1, Yang Jingyu was transferred from a member of the CommunistYouth League to a member of the Communist Party of China in the tiger cage(place name) of Chengguan Town, Queshan county. On July 15, the Wuhan governmentof the Kuomintang defected and revolutionized, and the new revolutionary regimewas attacked by the local stubborn forces in Queshan county. Yang Jingzi, ZhangJiaduo, Zhang Yaochang, Li Mingqi and other comrades led their troops to move tothe East Liudian area of the county to continue their struggle and open up a newbase.

On September 30, he, Li Mingqi, Zhang Jiafeng and Zhang Yaochang led theAutumn Harvest Uprising in Liudian, reorganized the Queshan County Committee ofthe Communist Party of China, and established the southern Henan guerrillas ofthe Chinese workers' and peasants' Red Army, with Yang Jingyu as commander inchief. During this period, General Yang Jingyu led his troops to fight fiercelywith several times the enemy, and beat back the attack of Kuomintang reactionaryforces and the harassment of local gentry forces. At that time, the armycontrolled a large area as far as Ma Xiang in the East, Minggang in the south,county town in the West and Shuitun in the north, and established the Sovietregime. Under the direction of the Party Central Committee, in order to carryout a long-term guerrilla war, establish a consolidated revolutionary base, andlead the victory to the whole country, the troops left the plains and rushed tothe mountainous areas to open up the siwangshan revolutionary base. In the lateautumn and early winter of 1927, General Yang Jingyu was transferred to work inHenan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. During this period,he was arrested and jailed three times. All of them were rescued and released bythe party, and then transferred to Shanghai. Soon, he was transferred fromShanghai to Northeast China. During his stay in Northeast China, he servedsuccessively as secretary of Fushun Special Branch of CPC, Secretary of DaowaiDistrict Party committee of Harbin, Secretary of Harbin municipal Partycommittee, President of Anti Japanese general League, Secretary of MilitaryCommission of Manchuria Provincial Party committee of CPC, political commissarof Panshi guerrillas, commander of the first division of the first army ofNortheast People's Liberation Army, and commander of the first army of NortheastDemocratic Anti Japanese Alliance.

On February 23, 1940, in sandaoweizi, Baoan village, Mengjiang county (nowJingyu County), Jilin Province, Yang Jingyu's troops were unfortunatelysurrounded by the Japanese army. While suffering from hunger, cold, fatigue andinjury, Yang Jingyu still insisted on fighting and died at the age of 35. Out ofadmiration and love for the general, the people in his hometown built thememorial hall of General Yang Jingyu's former residence. The memorial was firstbuilt in the autumn of 1966 and then shut down during the ten years of turmoil.It was opened in 1981 after expansion, with a construction area of 4466 squaremeters.

Dear friends, we have come to Liwan village, Queshan County, the hometownof General Yang Jingyu.

The gate of the memorial hall of the former residence of General YangJingzi faces north. It is of brick and stone structure. The building ismagnificent, with double eaves and brackets, and glass and green tile top. Onthe lintel of the door was written "Memorial Hall of the former residence of theAnti Japanese hero General Yang Jingyu.". On the back, chairman Zhu De wrote"the people's hero Comrade Yang Jingyu is immortal" with strong handwriting. Aneat passageway leads south, and the stone bust of General Yang Jingyu standsmajestically in the courtyard. There is a marble base 2 meters high, 0.8 metersthick and 1.20 meters wide. It was written: "General Yang Jingyu, 1905-1940". Inthe south is a row of nine exhibition halls, displaying 92 pictures, charts, oilpaintings and so on, which systematically introduces the life story of GeneralYang Jingyu. North of the statue is a common farmyard. A plaque was hung on thelintel, which read: "former residence of General Yang Jingyu". There are fourrooms in the North (one in the West and one in the East) and two small rooms ineach. There are three rooms in the East and three in the west, all of which areof brick and wood structure with small yellow tile top. On the west side of thecourtyard is a Sophora tree planted by General Yang Jingyu when he was young.Beiwu is the birthplace of General Yang Jing and the residence of his youth. Atthe east end of the north room, there are simple tables and benches. This is theplace where General Yang Jingyu led the peasant revolution in southern HenanProvince in his youth, and where some major struggle strategies came into being.The East and West rooms are exhibition rooms with 101 photos, charts, documents,books and so on. It mainly introduces Yang Jingyu's revolutionary activities inhis youth and youth, especially his revolutionary cultural relics during thepeasant revolution in southern Henan, as well as the enamel bowls, militarypots, chopping boards, fur coats, leather mattresses and other military articlesused as commander-in-chief in Northeast China and the general's childhood Thereare more than 30 learning tools. These precious cultural relics vividlyrepresent the revolutionary history and the glorious life of the general. Theyare vivid teaching materials for patriotism education and the construction oftwo civilizations.

旅游英语导游词 篇8

It is located on the Nanlang mountain between Sham Shui Wan and Wong ChukHang on Hong Kong Island, covering an area of 150 acres. The park is dividedinto low land and high land. The low land is called "huangzhukeng Park", whichis the main entrance of Ocean Park. The high land is called "Nanlang MountainPark", which is located in the south of Nanlang mountain. There is an overheadcrane between the high land and the low land for tourists. As early as 1955, theplan for the construction of the park was put forward. At the beginning, thegovernment agreed to allocate 30 acres of land and the Jockey Club invested HK$78 million. Later, the land was allocated to 150 acres and the investmentincreased to HK $150 million. At first, only a "Marine Aquarium" was planned tobe built. Later, it was changed into an ocean park, which was officiallycompleted and opened on January 10, 1977.

There are three pavilions in Nanlang mountain highland of Ocean Park,namely marine animal performance hall, Haitao hall and ocean hall. The marineanimal show hall has a huge pool with a stand for more than 3500 spectators. Theanimals performing here include specially trained sea lions, dolphins and killerwhales. Their wonderful performances often arouse the audience's cheers andcheers. Haitao Pavilion is equipped with rock coast like rockery and pool. Assoon as the electric wave machine starts, the waves roll and rise and fall up toone meter high. There is an underwater glass viewing room here. Through theglass, you can watch all kinds of beauty of marine animals roaming in theunderwater. The aquarium is divided into two parts, the shallow lake and thedeep lake. There are more than 300 kinds of fish, 30000 of which live in thelake, including shark, devil fish, grouper and so on. There are three layers ofglass walls around the lake, outside which visitors can watch the activities ofunderwater fish.

An important symbol of Ocean Park is the aerial cable car (crane), with atotal length of 1.4 km. It connects the lowland at the foot of the mountain withthe highland of Nanlang mountain. When walking at an altitude of 200 meters, thewhole journey can be completed in 6 minutes. Visitors can overlook the sceneryof deep water bay, shallow water bay and lowland park at an altitude. There are250 cranes, each with six seats, which can carry 5000 passengers per hour. Inrecent years, in order to attract more tourists, the park has continuously addednew facilities, including various video games, such as Ferris wheel and rollercoaster, and opened up a large-scale water park.

Key points of Tour: to the ocean park, you can not but take the cable carto overlook the beautiful scenery of the mountains and the sea. Otherattractions that can't be missed are: aquarium, Ocean theater, Haitao Pavilion,shark Pavilion, crazy roller coaster, mountaineering elevator, Pacific coast,ocean skyscraper, super dynamic cinema, bird paradise, butterfly house, DinosaurTrail, children's Kingdom, speed trip, adventure in ancient countries and HongKong Jockey Club giant panda Park.

Cable car and elevator: Ocean Park is divided into two parts: lowland andhighland. The two are connected by cable cars. There are 252 cable cars, whichcan carry 4000 people per hour. The whole journey of the cable car is 1.5km longand takes about 8 minutes to complete. From the cable car, visitors can enjoythe beautiful scenery of deep water bay and Aberdeen. In addition to taking thecable car, another way to get to the highland is to take the second longestoutdoor covered escalator in the world from the entrance of Dashu Bay. This 225meter long climbing elevator can carry 4000 people up and down a 30 degree slopeevery hour. I believe that in addition to people who are afraid of heights,taking this elevator is definitely an exciting and interesting program.

Ocean World: most of the exhibitions on marine life are in highlands. TheOcean Museum is one of the most popular places for tourists. After a renovationcost of HK $65 million, the new aquarium takes the coral environment in theIndian Ocean and Pacific Ocean as its new theme. The aquarium is not only hometo more than 4000 fish belonging to 400 species, but also one of the largestsimilar facilities in the world. The aquarium can accommodate up to 600 visitorsat the same time. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful posture of various fish fromdifferent angles through the glass in the four storey aquarium.

Pacific Coast: the newly established Pacific coast of Ocean Park imitatesthe natural environment of California coast in the United States, breedingCalifornia sea lions and spotted seals, composing another "unique ocean worldjourney", bringing unprecedented interactive fun to tourists.

Ocean theater: Ocean theater is a good place for marine mammals to showtheir skills. There are 3500 seats in the theater, providing visitors withseveral wonderful, interesting and lovely dolphin and sea lion performancesevery day.

Shark house: in highland, the shark house, which cost 40 million Hong Kongdollars to build, has raised nearly 70 sharks, with a total of about 35 species,including the fun looking "fat baby" Brown shark. There is an 11.5-meter-longtransparent fiber viewing tunnel, in which tourists feel as if they are in thedeep sea, and the sharks are also within reach.

Motorized Games: Crazy roller coaster is located on the Highlands,extremely exciting and fun, but also the world's longest and fastest rollercoaster. In addition, other mobile games, such as flying swings, Ferris wheeland flying eagle, are also very exciting, which can't be missed by tourists wholike excitement.

Overlooking the scenery - Ocean skyscraper: in addition to dynamic games,visitors who like to watch can go to the ocean skyscraper built with HK $30million and look around from the tower 72 meters above the ground. Oceanskyscraper tower was built in highland in 1992. With air conditioning, it is thetallest observation tower in Southeast Asia. On the top floor of the skyscraper,visitors can view the charming scenery of Aberdeen, peak, Lantau Island, LammaIsland and Cheung Chau from 360 degrees.

Bird Paradise: located in Dashu Bay, bainiao house is one of the largestbird houses in the world. There are more than 20__ birds belonging to 200species flying in bainiaoju, and visitors can walk around in the forest scenerywithout separation. Bainiaoju also has parrot garden, bird theater, red storkpool and artificial lake.

LVYE Garden: Super Dynamic cinema covers an area of 900 square meters, witha total of 100 seats. With the oil pressure seats, the picture on the 15 meterhigh screen swings up and down, and the lifelike image and high fax soundeffect, visitors will have unlimited exciting "super dynamic feeling" when theyare in it.

Butterfly House: in the green garden of lowland. Butterfly house is acocoon type glass greenhouse, in which the temperature and environment are mostsuitable for butterfly life. There are more than 25 species of butterflies inthe butterfly house, with a total number of more than thousands.

In the Dinosaur Trail, 17 dinosaur models were built. Tourists can followthe footprints of dinosaurs, slowly step into the primitive era, and return tothe world of the jungle Dinosaurs: to see the life of dinosaurs from hatching,growing up to adulthood. In the green garden, the ancient adventure will takeyou back to the ruins of the ancient rainforest. All the wild animals and plantswe met during the journey are real objects, large and lifelike, as well ashigh-altitude diving performance, which will make you refreshing.

Children's Kingdom: the "children's kingdom" with an area of 3.5 Mu wasopened in the summer of 1993, providing a new and interesting thing for afamily, especially children. In the children's Kingdom, there are sightseeingtrains, "sea lion happy station" performance of "happy little theater",remote-controlled cars and boats, technical Games "happy game city", and"Dolphin school" mode.

"Journey at top speed" downer: the "journey at top speed" downer allowspassengers to slowly rise vertically, rise to the top of a 60 meter tower in 20to 25 seconds, then stay in the air for a few seconds, and then make a 40 milesteep descent to the ground. The whole descent is about 30 to 40 seconds, whichis extremely dangerous.
