

英语中秋节手抄报内容 篇1

Mid Autumn Festival verse

1. When is the moon? Ask Qingtian about the wine—— Su Shi's "water melody singing head · Bingchen Mid Autumn Festival"

2. I hope people will be long and beautiful together—— Su Shi's "water melody singing head · Bingchen Mid Autumn Festival"

3. So far, it will not happen in heaven. It should be Chang'e throwing at people—— PI Rixiu's "Guizi on the night of August 15 in Tianzhu Temple"

4. Dancing, wandering under the wind, I don't know what day it is tonight—— Su Shi's Nian nujiao · Mid Autumn Festival

5. Poor moon tonight, where to go—— Xin Qiji's Magnolia flowers are slow. Drinking in the Mid Autumn Festival will be a guest

6. The cold sky on the round soul says that the world is the same—— Li Qiao's the second song of the moon in the Mid Autumn Festival

7. Dancing with clear shadows, what is it like in the world? Turn Zhuge, low Qihu, no sleep—— Su Shi's "water melody singing head · Bingchen Mid Autumn Festival"









英语中秋节手抄报内容 篇2

Origin of Mid Autumn Festival

August 15 of the lunar calendar is China's traditional Mid Autumn Festival and the second largest traditional festival in China after the Spring Festival. August 15 is just in the middle of autumn, so it is called the Mid Autumn Festival. China's ancient calendar calls August in the middle of autumn "mid autumn", so the Mid Autumn Festival is also called "Mid Autumn Festival".

Mid Autumn Festival is an ancient festival. Sacrificing and appreciating the moon is an important custom of the festival. Ancient emperors had the social system of offering sacrifices to the sun in spring and the moon in autumn. People also had the wind of offering sacrifices to the moon in the Mid Autumn Festival. Later, appreciating the moon was more important than offering sacrifices to the moon, and serious sacrifices became relaxed entertainment. The custom of enjoying the moon in the Mid Autumn Festival flourished in the Tang Dynasty. Many poets have poems chanting the moon in their masterpieces. The palace and folk activities of worshiping the moon in the Song Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty are more large-scale. There are still many historic sites of "moon worship altar", "moon worship Pavilion" and "moon watching tower" all over China. The "moon altar" in Beijing was built for the Royal Festival of the moon during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty. Whenever the moon rises in the Mid Autumn Festival, a table is set up in the open air to provide melons and fruits such as moon cakes, pomegranates and dates on the table. After worshipping the moon, the whole family sits around the table, eating and talking to enjoy the bright moon. Now, the activities of offering sacrifices to the moon and worshipping the moon have been replaced by large-scale and colorful mass moon watching recreational activities.

According to historical records, the word "Mid Autumn Festival" first appeared in Zhou Li. In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, there were records of "Yu Shang Shu Zhen Niu Huang, Mid Autumn Festival Eve and around the river". It was not until the early years of the Tang Dynasty that the mid autumn festival became a fixed festival. "Records of Emperor Taizong in the book of Tang" records "the Mid Autumn Festival on August 15". The prevalence of the mid autumn festival began in the Song Dynasty. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was as famous as new year's day and became one of the main festivals in China. This is also the second largest traditional festival in China after the Spring Festival.





英语中秋节手抄报内容 篇3

1. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, and the blessings will be delivered on time: I wish you happy and sweet reunion with your lover, happiness and family reunion, good luck with "Yuanyuan" constantly, in this happy moon night, the whole family is happy and everything is round.

2. May my blessing be like the bright moon, round and bright, dispelling your sadness! May my blessing, like moon cakes, sweet and fragrant, bring you sweet hope. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

3. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. I give you rounder greetings than the moon and sweeter blessings than moon cakes. May sweetness accompany you every day, warm with you every moment, safe with you every minute. I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

4. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming: send you a ruyi cake, everything goes well; Give you a happy cake, always happy; Send you a child's heart cake, young all the time; Give you a reunion cake, family reunion!

5. Mid Autumn Festival blessing: a smooth career is a blessing; A happy life is a blessing; Sweet love is a blessing; Children and grandchildren are a blessing; It is a blessing to remember friends; Good health is a blessing; Happy family reunion!

6. Mid Autumn Festival eat moon cakes, eat happy moon cakes, happy every day; Eat a healthy moon cake and run away in pain; Eat a love moon cake and hold your hand; Eat a money moon cake, the money is rolling and cutting off!

7. Acacia moon, blessing flowers: I wish people reunion, thousands of miles of common Chan Juan; 2. Wish you a prosperous career and all the best; Third, may love be full and affection always follow. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

8. When the Mid Autumn Festival comes, I'll prepare a small gift. I'll give you three glasses of wine to talk about my feelings. I'll give you a glass of wine and your troubles will disappear immediately. I'll give you two glasses of wine and you'll be happy without sorrow. I'll give you three glasses of wine and good luck.

9. The bright moon in front of the window, blessings should be in pairs! Ankang Fu is transported and collected upon receipt! If you wish to send it, the collection is auspicious! The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. May your life be sweet and beautiful and your career be full. I wish you a happy festival!

10. T★WWW.BAIHUAWEN.com★he Mid Autumn Festival is coming. I wish you think of moon cakes in your heart and eat moon cakes in your mouth. Your face is happy like moon cakes. May my blessing accompany you to spend a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!











英语中秋节手抄报内容 篇4

The main customs of the Mid Autumn Festival

I. appreciating the moon (playing with the moon): literati recite poetry under the moon, admire the moon, drink and chat. Folk songs, songs and dances under the moon.

Two swings, drinking, men or women go away together under the moon, also known as "stepping on the moon (picking the moon, picking the moon by the riverside)". There is the custom of walking on the moon and three bridges in Wu, that is, traveling under the moon and walking over at least three bridges.

Three laurels: appreciating the moon under the laurel tree, reciting poetry and drinking.

April: women worship the moon. Girls worship the moon and wish to "look like Chang'e and face like the bright moon".



二荡秋千,喝酒,月下男男或女 女结伴出走,又叫“踏月(采月,滨江采月)”在月下踏歌吴地有走月亮、走三桥之俗,就是在月光下出游,走过至少三座桥。



英语中秋节手抄报内容 篇5

I looked forward to the stars and the moon, and finally I looked forward to the beautiful Mid Autumn Festival

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. We always keep a happy mood. In the evening, my mother and aunt bought a lot of things. When I saw it, there was charcoal in it. Flesh and bone. mutton shashlik. Steak. Eggplant, etc. Ah! So we're going to barbecue! I helped burn the charcoal and started the barbecue. I salivated at the sight of these things, so I burned a lot of things at once, which was delicious!

It's time to enjoy the moon. The moon looms in the light clouds. Like a shy little girl. Slowly, a big and round moon appeared in front of us. It bloomed soft and brilliant light, as if it were the protagonist in the night and the master of the twinkling stars. Our family had a good time. I don't know where Chang'e and jade rabbit on the vast moon are doing well? Are they so happy?

"Eat moon cakes" with my cry, everyone woke up from the beautiful moonlight. My uncle hurried out the ice covered moon cakes that had already been prepared. I opened them excitedly. WOW! There are many kinds of moon cakes. There is a big bird's nest moon cake, black sesame moon cake, and mung bean sand moon cake. My favorite food is bird's nest moon cake, while my brother likes black sesame moon cake. It's really turnip and green vegetables - each has his own love.

Of course, this program is our children's favorite. We took out colorful lanterns, wiped candles and lit them. Then we took our brothers and sisters to wander around. When it was darker, we played a thrilling game of ghost hunting. It was very fun.

Late at night, the moon slept, and we were in a sweet dream. Another harmonious, warm and beautiful Mid Autumn Festival!






