

初二演讲稿英语集锦 篇1

perhaps the clintons' greatest achievement is their daughter, who moved into the white house as a young girl, and left as an accomplished young lady. it's not easy to be a teenager in the white house, but it's a lot easier when you have a loving mother and a loving father that chelsea clinton had.

this magnificent presidential library, and the american life it celebrates, would not have been possible without the love and sacrifice of a special lady. among his heroes, president clinton always includes his mother, virginia kelley, "a working woman and a widow." virginia was there when her son took the oath of office, and we know that she would be incredibly proud of this day.

the story that began in a little house on hervey street in hope, arkansas is the kind of story that inspires people from every background, all over america. in this great nation, it is always possible for a child to go as far as their talent and vision can take them. visitors to this place will be reminded of the great promise of our country, and the dreams that came true in the life of our 42nd president. the william j. clinton presidential library is a gift to the future

初二演讲稿英语集锦 篇2

food and health

green tea

green tea is favority and traditional drink of chinese for thousand years. recent studies have shown that epigallocatechin gallate (egcg) an antioxidant found in green tea, is at least 100 more times more effective than vitamin c and 25 times more effective than vitamin e at protecting cells and dna from damage believed to be linked to cancer, heart disease and other serious illnesses. the antioxidant has twice the antioxidant benefit of resveratrol, found in red wine.

good morning.

as americans gather to celebrate this week, we show our gratitude for the many blessings in our lives. we are grateful for our friends and families who fill our lives with purpose and love. we're grateful for our beautiful country, and for the prosperity we enjoy. we're grateful for the chance to live, work and worship in freedom. and in this thanksgiving week, we offer thanks and praise to the provider of all these gifts, almighty god.

we also recognize our duty to share our blessings with the least among us. throughout the holiday season, schools, churches, synagogues and other generous organizations gather food and clothing for their neighbors in need. many young people give part of their holiday to volunteer at homeleshelters or food pantries. on thanksgiving, and on every day of the year, america is a more hopeful nation because of the volunteers who serve the weak and the vulnerable.

the thanksgiving tradition of compassion and humility dates back to the earliest days of our society. and through the years, our deepest gratitude has often been inspired by the most difficult times. almost four centuries ago, the pilgrims set aside time to thank god after suffering through a bitter winter. george washington held thanksgiving during a trying stay at valley forge. and president lincoln revived the thanksgiving tradition in the midst of a civil war.

the past year has brought many challenges to our nation, and americans have met every one with energy, optimism and faith. after lifting our economy from a recession, manufacturers and entrepreneurs are creating jobs again. volunteers from acrothe country came together to help hurricane victims rebuild. and when the children of beslan, russia suffered a brutal terrorist attack, the world saw america's generous heart in an outpouring of compassion and relief.

the greatest challenges of our time have come to the men and women who protect our nation. we're fortunate to have dedicated firefighters and police officers to keep our streets safe. we're grateful for the homeland security and intelligence personnel who spend long hours on faithful watch. and we give thanks to the men and women of our military who are serving with courage and skill, and ma-ki-ng our entire nation proud.

like generations before them, today's armed forces have liberated captive peoples and shown compassion for the suffering and delivered hope to the oppressed. in the past year, they have fought the terrorists abroad so that we do not have to face those enemies here at home. they've captured a brutal dictator, aided last month's historic election in afghanistan, and help set iraq on the path to democracy.

our progrein the war on terror has made our country safer, yet it has also brought new burdens to our military families. many servicemen and women have endured long deployments and painful separations from home. families have faced the challenge of raising children while praying for a loved one's safe return. america is grateful to all our military families, and the families mourning a terrible lothis thanksgiving can know that america will honor their sacrifices forever.

as commander-in-chief, i've been honored to thank our troops at bases around the world, and i've been inspired by the efforts of private citizens to expretheir own gratitude. this month, i met shauna fleming, a 15-year-old from california who coordinated the mailing of a million thank you letters to military personnel. in october, i met ken porwoll, a world war ii veteran who has devoted years of his retirement to volunteering at a va medical center in minneapolis. and we've seen the generosity of so many organizations, like give2thetroops, a group started in a basement by a mother and son that has sent thousands of care packages to troops in the field.

thanksgiving reminds us that america's true strength is the compassion and decency of our people. i thank all those who volunteer this season, and laura and i wish every american a happy and safe thanksgiving weekend.

thank you for listening.

初二演讲稿英语集锦 篇3

Long, long ago, in the days when fairies, witches, giants and ogres still visited the earth, there lived a king who reigned over a great and beautiful country. He was married to a wife whom he dearly loved, and had two most promising children--a son called Asmund, and a daughter who was named Signy. The king and queen were very anxious to bring their children up well, and the young prince and princess were taught everything likely to make them clever and accomplished. They lived at home in their father's palace, and he spared no pains to make their lives happy. Prince Asmund dearly loved all outdoor sports and an open-air life, and from his earliest childhood he had longed to live entirely in the forest close by. After many arguments and entreaties he succeeded in persuading the king to give him two great oak trees for his very own. 'Now,' said he to his sister, 'I will have the trees hollowed out, and then I will make rooms in them and furnish them so that I shall be able to live out in the forest.' 'Oh, Asmund!' exclaimed Signy, 'what a delightful idea! Do let me come too, and live in one of your trees. I will bring all my pretty things and ornaments, and the trees are so near home we shall be quite safe in them.' Asmund, who was extremely fond of his sister, readily consented, and they had a very happy time together, carrying over all their pet treasures, and Signy's jewels and other ornaments, and arranging them in the pretty little rooms inside the trees. Unfortunately sadder days were to come. A war with another country broke out, and the king had to lead his army against their enemy. During his absence the queen fell ill, and after lingering for some time she died, to the great grief of her children. They made up their minds to live altogether for a time in their trees, and for this purpose they had provisions enough stored up inside to last them a year. Now, I must tell you, in another country a long way off, there reigned a king who had an only son named Ring. Prince Ring had heard so much about the beauty and goodness of Princess Signy that he determined to marry her if possible. So he begged his father to let him have a ship for the voyage, set sail with a favourable wind, and after a time landed in the country where Signy lived. The prince lost no time in setting out for the royal palace, and on his way there he met such a wonderfully lovely woman that he felt he had never seen such beauty in all his life. He stopped her and at once asked who she was. 'I am Signy, the king's daughter,' was the reply. Then the prince inquired why she was wandering about all by herself, and she told him that since her mother's death she was so sad that whilst her father was away she preferred being alone.
