

英语课前2分钟励志演讲范文 篇1

Many people have favorite places they like to go to when they are feeling sad or bored.I,too,have favorite places that I go to as often as I can.

Here are the three places that I like most.First of all,I like the zoo.The animals are amazing because some are so cute and some are so ugly!I like to pet them,feed them and watch them perform.Museums are cool places,too.They have good exhibits and fascinating displays.I like the works of art there.Some museumsteach me a lot about history and science.From dinosaus to robots,I love it all.Finally,theme parks are a blast.I love to go on the wild rides.I think the roller coasters are the best.It's fun to scream and get scared.

These places always cheer me up.I tyr to go to each of my favorite places once a year.I am going to find more favorite places to go to when I grow up.

英语课前2分钟励志演讲范文 篇2

i’m getting ready for a lot of things. a lot of things.


it’s spring, so we’re starting to get the gardens ready and my tomatoes are legendary here in my own neighborhood.


my daughter is about to start kindergarten next year, and so we’re moving just so she can belong to a better school.


my brother and i are starting our first business.


after five years of raising my children, i am now going back to work.


every day we’re trying to get more and more ready and more prepared. baby boy, coming your way.


right now i’m applying for jobs. it’s a look into what the real world will look like after college.


i’m getting married this summer to someone i really care about.


i’m gonna be in the play and i’m gonna be in a fish costume. from little tiny fishes.


i’m getting ready to retire soon. retirement means reinventing yourself in many ways.


well we’ve been doing a lot of home renovations. but, most importantly, we just want to teach our dog to quit eating the trash.


and so we have high hopes for that that’s going to happen.


i’ve started a new career recently. this is a fifth generation company which means a lot to me. this country was founded on hard work and it really feels good to be a part of that.


i’m getting ready to do something, too. i’m running for president. americans have fought their way back from tough economic times but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top. everyday americans need a champion, and i want to be that champion. so, you can do more than just get by, you can get ahead. and stay ahead! because when families are strong, america is strong. so, i’m hitting the road to earn your vote. because it’s your time, and i hope you’ll join me on this journey.


英语课前2分钟励志演讲范文 篇3

I like reading books very much,because there are lots of interesting things in them.

Two years ago,I didn't like reading very much.I had plenty of time,but I spent lots of time on playing with computers.When I was very young,I didn't think reading book was interesting,because I found nothing more interesting than the computer games.

I've changed now.I enjoy reading novels,because there're lots of interesting stories.I love to read Harry Potter.That's a good novel.I know that it is one of the best-sellers in England.I'm always lose myself in the interesting stories.

I hate the words like "to be continued" in a novel.That makes me very sad,because I don't know the end of the story.I also hate the words like "the end",because I want to read more.Some of my friends think that I'm strange.

Maybe you can find the interesting things in a book,so don't waste your time in the computers any more.If you read very much,you抣l get lots of knowledge.
