

英语演讲3分钟故事 篇1

Good manners are very important in the communication of daily life. Everyone likes a person with good manners. But what are good manners?

How does one know what should do and what should not do when trying to be a good - mannered person?

Well here are some common examples. A person with good manners never laughs at a people in trouble. Instead he (she) always tries to consult or offer help to the person.

When he (she) takes a bus and sees an old man or a sick man he (she) always gives his (her) seat to him. He doesn't interrupt other people when they are talking.

He uses a handkerchief when he sneezes or coughs. He does not spite in public places.

Ideas of what are good manners are not always the same in different regions. For example people in Western countries usually kiss each other to show their greetings whereas in China kissing in public is something of unusual and sometimes be regarded as impolite to somebody else.

So it is important to know what is regarded as polite and impolite before you go to a region.

But remember that it is always right to be kind and helpful to others.

分钟英语演讲小故事 篇2

Parkour is a sport activity with the purpose of moving from one place to another as efficiently and quickly as possible,using only the physical skills of the human body.It is used to overcome obstacles,which can be any obstacle in the environment on fences and stone,to pillars,walls and bars and can be practiced both in urban areas and rural areas.

Founded by David Belle in France,parkour focuses on efficient movements to develop the training of the body and mind,to be prepared to overcome obstacles in an emergency.Can also be a form of entertainment or a way to spend your free time.This sport is also called l’art du deplacement / the art of movement / art movement or even free-running.The term “parkour” is derived from the French “parcours go combattant” in translation meaning “to overcome an obstacle” .

Free running is the term used by Sebastien Foucan in Jump London documentary to refer to parkour,term which later came to describe a sport based on acrobatics,different from the original discipline Le Parkour.

Practitioners of this discipline are called tracers .The sport is practiced mainly in urban areas,involving jumps in,on,through and around obstacles such as railings,stairs,pillars,,trees,buildings,etc..They consider this kind of training a way of liberation from the constraints imposed by other sports and one standard for overcoming the induced limitations .

Parkour is classified as “wow!” an extreme sports.Practicing this discipline does not require wearing special equipment,sites developed,prepared before or other obstacles.Parkour is very simple,fluid movement from one place to another,to which are added run speed,climbing,jumping,spectacular and efficient movement,imagination,improvisation and other complex techniques.If sport “parkour” performed by you does not include items listed above,then you are doing fitness.

英语演讲3分钟故事 篇3

feeling of youth

no young man believes he shall ever die. it was a saying of my brother's, and a fine one. there is a feeling of eternity in youth, which makes us amend for everything. to be young is to be as one of the immortal gods. one half of time indeed is flown-the other half remains in store for us with all its countletreasures; for there is no line drawn, and we see no limit to our hopes and wishes. we make the coming age our own-

the vast, the unbounded prospect lies before us.

death. old age. are words without a meaning. that paby us like the idea air which we regard not. others may have undergone, or may still be liable to them-we "bear a charmed life“, which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies. as in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward-

bidding the lovely scenes at distance hail!

and see no end to the landscape, new objects presenting themselves as we advance; so, in the commencement of life, we set no bounds to our inclinations. nor to the unrestricted opportunities of gratifying them. we have as yet found no obstacle, no disposition to flag; and it seems that we can go on so forever. we look round in a new world, full of life, and motion, and ceaseleprogress; and feel in ourselves all the vigor and spirit to keep pace with it, and do not foresee from any present symptoms how we shall be left behind in the natural course of things, decline into old age, and drop into the grave. it is the simplicity, and as it were abstractedneof our feelings in youth, that (so to speak) identifies us with nature, and (our experience being slight and our passions strong) deludes us into a belief of being immortal like it. our short-lives connection with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting union-a honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar, nor separation. as infants smile and sleep, we are rocked in the cradle of our wayward fancies, and lulled into security by the roar of the universe around us0we quaff the cup of life with eager haste without draining it, instead of which it only overflows the more-objects prearound us, filling the mind with their magnitude and with the strong of desires that wait upon them, so that we have no room for the thoughts of deat

英语讲话稿 篇4

Good morning/evening/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen :

Today, my speech is about talents,in my opionion, talents are indispensable in nowadays society. as is known to all that the fight among countries is actually the fight among talents.

First, i'd like to define the word"talent" in my idea, a talent is one person who is good at or expertised in some or multiple areas. nowadays, as the world developing goes on , if one country want to rank top or do a good job in the world, the country must have many talents.for example, china, the biggest developing country in the world, in the past 100 years, is always invaded by other countries, why ,the reason is that china at that time had not so many talents. if they had anti-intrusion leader talents in the war, needless to say,they would have beat those big powers.if they had talents in weapons manufacturing, nodody dares to provoke us.however, nowadays, it's a totally different situation, china has become powerfulin all over the world, why ? because there are many talents serving the country, the civilians become more and more and more people go to university,more and more people come to receive further education. so what is that in return,talents in army protect our country from invasion, talents in commerce help make our economy keep in improving, talents in aerospace make the world see chinese manned spacecraft flying. talents in sports make china rank the first in the olympic games……

To sum up, talents will play a more and more impoetant role in the world, if one country intends to flourish, he must foster talents as many as they can ,that's all,

thank you.

分钟演讲的英语故事 篇5

The first step is to mix the flour with water. when the dough is ready we can begin to make dumpling wrappers. we use a rolling pole to roll the dough into small thin and round pieces so that they will be easy to cook. when the wrappers are done it' s time to prepare the filling. Usually we use meat such as beef or mutton and some vegetables such as cabbage or carrots for filling.You may actually choose whatever you like to put into it. we must chop those things into small pieces.Then put some salt oil and other condiments into it and stir it evenly. When all these preparations are done we can start making dumplings. First put a spoonful of filling in the center of the wrapper. Then stick the two opposite sides together and then the rest. Don' t just cover the filling with the wrappers. The best shape of dumplings is that of a ship because when they are boiling in the pan they look like ships sailing in the sea. The smell can make your mouth water.
