

放飞梦想英语演讲稿 篇1

寻找着,寻找着…… 小时候,总是喜欢站在窗口边,仰望着缀满繁星的夜空。夜,是那么的深邃,幽静,恬美,给人一种浩瀚无边的感觉。常常,看着这美丽的景象会出了神,因为我知道,我要寻找的梦想,就在这一望无垠的世界中,就在这神秘莫测的海洋里,我相信,我的未来不是梦。

寻找着,寻找着…… 为了寻找我的未来,我的梦想,我的脚步从未停留过,从一个调皮捣蛋的毛头小孩,到现在成为一个不断追寻的学生,我都一直在为我的梦想奋斗着,而现在的我,尽管是在不断求学,但我知道,我的每一分、每一秒、每一刻,都在为我的理想打下一根扎实的钢筋,砌上一块坚实的砖块,为有朝一日更上层楼而打下夯实基础。所以相信,我的未来不是梦。

寻找着,寻找着…… 朴实纯净的田园生活,就是陶渊明所寻找的那种"采菊东篱下,悠然见南山"的意境;对于美学孜孜不倦的钻研,就是朱光潜所寻找的艺术高峰;对于X射线原理的探究,就是伦琴不惜生命所寻找的科学……历史中,国度间,每一个人,每一个生命,都在不停寻找自己所向往的梦,是的,我们的一生都在寻找,而为自己的梦想付出努力的人,终将攀上心中的峰顶,所以我坚信,我的未来不是梦!

寻找着,寻找着…… 我的梦,我知道你就在前面,对你的渴望、憧憬和向往,引领着我一步一步地走向你,也许,路会有些曲折、坎坷,但这无法阻挡那颗寻找你的赤诚之心,我会全力以赴冲向你,谁让你是我的梦想呢?

放飞梦想英语演讲稿 篇2









放飞梦想英语演讲稿 篇3

The world changed when James Watt invented the first steam engine, when Isaac Newton discovered the universal gravitation after hit by an apple, when Karl Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto, when Chairman Mao solemnly declared the establishment of the People's Republic of China on the Tian'anmen Rostrum, when Martin Luther King cried out “I have a dream”. The world was changed by something called dream, which is invisible, untouchable but strong enough.

I can assure that every child have written a composition titled My Dream. They have already written down their longing for the future. Some of them want to become scientists; some of them hope to become teachers or doctors. Maybe they didn’t know how many difficulties they will face before their dream come true. But the dreams are like small seeds planted in their hearts; like the beacon in the sea that lead them to their destinations.

Dream is the fountain of strength. Dream is the support of faith. Dream is the Polaris. Dream reminds us to move forward, to struggle, to strive all the time. One of my friends told me that dream will never discard anyone! Yes, maybe one day everything is gone but dreams is still there with you, eternally.

Dream changed us, and therefore we changed the world. It is dream that refreshes the world every day. It is also dream that makes the world improve day by day. We dare to dream. We can also achieve our dreams and change the world.

I can’t imagine the world without dreams. How about you?

Thank you!
