

学生关于英语口语演讲稿 篇1

Hi, everyone! My name is . Today my topic is: "I Love English".

English is now used everywhere in the world, It has become the most important language on internet. Learning English makse me confident and brings me great pleasure.

When I was eight , my father sent me to an English school. At there, I played games and sang English song with other children. Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the English world.

Every day, I read English following the tapes. Sometimes, I like watching English movies for children, such as Finding Nemo, Harry Potter and so on. These movies not only improved my English, but also gave me a lot of fun. Outlook English also help me a lot in my English Studies, I have been watching this program for nearly two years.

I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America, because America is one of the most developed countries in the world. I also want to go to England, because English originated in England.

I love English, English has become part of my life. Do you like English, my friends? If you do, come with me. Let's enjoy the fun of learning English built in a day."

That's all, thank you!

学生关于英语口语演讲稿 篇2

Good afternoon, honorable judges, dear teachers & friends.

I'm Lai Senhan from the University of International Business & Economics. Do you know what date is it today? Today is the Olympic Date. I'm so glad to stand here today to share my idea about Beijing Olympic Games together with you all. The title of my speech is: what can we do for Beijing Olympic Games?

First of all, let me tell you a story that happened 2 years ago. At the end of August, 20xx, when I decided to come to Beijing for study, my friends hel* * rewell Party for me. They said: after your graduation, you should look for a job in Beijing, and then in 20xx, we shall go to visit you during the Olympic Games. I laughed and answered: OK, no problem!

Time flied and 2 years passed. Now I am a graduate. My teachers and classmates always ask me: what's your plan after your graduation? Go back home, stay in Beijing, or go to some other places? And I always answer: I will stay in Beijing. I make this decision not because of my promise to my friends 2 years ago, but because: I've fallen in love with Beijing! I'm eager to welcome the coming Olympic Games together with my fellow countrymen, and I wish I could do something for the Olympics & for the city.

As we know, Beijing will host the 29th Summer Olympic Games in 20xx. As a Chinese, I think many people are thinking: what we can do for Beijing Olympic Games. Most of us are not athletes, we cannot take part in competitions directly; we are not officials either, we don't need to do the preparatory work. We are only ordinary people, what we can do!

There are still so many things we can do! For example, for me, I am a graduate majoring Business English. As far as I am concerned, I will keep on learning English hard, and apply for being a volunteer. I will use English to serve the Games together with other volunteers. And also, as a businessman at that time, I will avail myself of the great commercial opportunities that the Olympics brings to us, make more efforts to offer my contribution to the growth of our national economy.

And for all of us, with the goal to host a "Green Olympics", we shall plant more trees, grass & flowers. Don't waste water. In order to alleviate the problems of air pollution & traffic congestions, we shall take buses & subways more. With the goal to host a "People's Olympics", and in order to make our Olympics more attractive and to make our Beijing more beautiful, we shall help everyone we meet who needs help, we shall abide by traffic rules, don't smoke in public and no spitting. The most important way for our Chinese to support our Beijing Olympic Games, in my opinion, is to work hard on our duties.



首先,让我告诉你一个故事,发生在2年前。在20xx年8月,当我决定来北京学习,我的朋友帮助* * * * rewell党给我。他们说:在你毕业之后,你应该找一份工作在北京,然后在20xx年,我们将在奥运会期间去看望你。我笑着回答:好的,没问题!





学生关于英语口语演讲稿 篇3

You practiced over and over again; you wanted it more than anyone; you studied the hardest, but in the end, you still didn't succeed. Each time you ask yourself, what happened and why. What I might suggest is that did you have a wrong attitude?

Positive attitude helps us cope with the daily affairs of life more easily. It brings optimism into our life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. If we adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into our life, and makes us happier, brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude we will see the bright side of life, become optimistic and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing and strengthening.

So next time, you will practice just as much, still want it just as much, will study just as hard. What will be different is that you will also put on a smile. A positive attitude might just be the one thing that you need to succeed!

学生关于英语口语演讲稿 篇4

To accomplish great things, you must dream great dreams. But dreaming alone isn’t enough, you must believe in your dreams and you must act. Without action, even the most grand of dreams evaporate into the ether when left unnurtured in the misty realms of the mind.

Do you dare to be a dreamer? Prepare to go it alone. Dreamers build bridges between the known and the unknown. As you dance your dreams into reality, those who can’t hear the music may think you a fool. Pay no heed to those who would kill your dreams, small minds always do that. Great minds will encourage you that you can become great too.

Afraid you haven’t got what it takes? Then get it! Feed your mind the mental food it hungers for.

There was a dog breeder who had two dogs that raced every weekend. He took bets and always won. One week he’d bet on his black dog, and the black dog would win. The next week he’d bet on the white dog, and folks seeing the black dog win the week before would bet, but this time the white dog would win. Why? One week he’d feed the dog he wanted to win a grand diet, and just give the other dog enough to survive. The dog that was well fed was stronger and would always win the race.

Your mind is the same way; it grows stronger or weaker with what you feed it. The diet of the mind is what gives you the confidence, courage, knowledge, and the direction you need to succeed in your dreams, or keep you from them.You can build your mind up or tear it down. The choice is yours and you make it every day.

Have you been waiting for the right time to reach for your dreams? Have you been waiting for the right circumstances to reach for your dreams? Have you been waiting for the right opportunity to reach for dreams? My, you’re patient, aren’t you? You could be waiting forever, you know. Time is an illusion. Circumstances are what you make them. Opportunity is a whisper that waits for your invitation, it doesn’t burst in and shout its arrival.

Now is the right time. Circumstances change when you take action. Opportunity is yours for the making. So what are you really waiting for?

Here’s how you’ll know if you’ve become all you can be: If you’re alive, you haven’t.

学生关于英语口语演讲稿 篇5

Good afternoon, honorable judges, dear teachers & friends.

I'm Lai Senhan from the University of International Business & Economics. Do you know what date is it today? Today is the Olympic Date. I'm so glad to stand here today to share my idea about Beijing Olympic Games together with you all. The title of my speech is: what can we do for Beijing Olympic Games?

First of all, let me tell you a story that happened 2 years ago. At the end of August, 20xx, when I decided to come to Beijing for study, my friends hel* * rewell Party for me. They said: after your graduation, you should look for a job in Beijing, and then in 20xx, we shall go to visit you during the Olympic Games. I laughed and answered: OK, no problem!

Time flied and 2 years passed. Now I am a graduate. My teachers and classmates always ask me: what's your plan after your graduation? Go back home, stay in Beijing, or go to some other places? And I always answer: I will stay in Beijing. I make this decision not because of my promise to my friends 2 years ago, but because: I've fallen in love with Beijing! I'm eager to welcome the coming Olympic Games together with my fellow countrymen, and I wish I could do something for the Olympics & for the city.

As we know, Beijing

早上好,我亲爱的老师和朋友们!我的名字是李Bingke,从类4 O 5。今天,我很高兴到这里来。我的主题是“我们的学校”。





学生关于英语口语演讲稿 篇6

Ladies and Gentlemen:

There are more than friendship feeling making a person warmth? Good wine is rare, buddy harder. Friend is friend, and none can anything replace, absolutely nothing can describe - is all of the world, also cannot match friendship rose fragrance and beautiful.

Friends, or the world's most pleasant things. Friendship, is the world's most cannot lack of things. On a depressed people, friends, or even an encouraging than all the medicine are useful.

Friends good relationships between both friendship, including understanding and appreciation, trust, tolerance, sacrifice... Many virtues. Friendship is the rain is the dark umbrella, flax, sail boat is the way the wind, rugged mountain trail armrest, friendship is one which isn't locked room, you can always knocking into; Friendship is the key that can help you open your door.

However friendship is not available, is to keep the friendship of standard reduce some can really ChenDeQi friends or very rare. Just think, if have money handling a trusted friend, you can have a few people? In your CengDeng frustrated or disease trouble also willing customarily6 wrapped and timely help a friend again several people? You go out in the outside occasion for your family will add caregivers and how many? Take a further step drawing-room serving those MoNi in mind, can maintain long in the fall, and there were several people? The world is a friend of mine, but although no waving lantern to find, but he is like sand gold rush, and still need long time closing. Once the true friendship, can cast bronze jian, never back with the turn.

Adversity of friendship. Well, in trouble, was suffering from a friend's help then to appear particularly valuable. Sometimes, even if it is a dead concerns well-meaning eyes, will also be like a bunch of coals, in snow and ice in sending you warm. When you were successful and proud head, the friendship will like a pot of water, hood, put your head spilled to pour awake.

Yes, friendship is perfected, is urgently needed, friendship is the sunlight avenue, more rugged climb to hike on the mutual walker.

Friendship is a tree, with sincere and devotion to pour out, with trust and tolerance to cultivation. Jealousy and suspicion is poison, can make the roots of friendship, loss of life leaves focal green.

Friendship is intimate conversation, is silenced's care. Friendship is never requiting paying, is unrestrained equal communication. Friendship is understanding, respect, from an open heart into another open heart. Friendship is expelled loneliness and despair of power.

Friendship of joy is active. A person, though fame prominent, zhong twining waist, if there is no one can open thoracic forbidden by heart a heart of a true friend, ultimately sad pity. No friendship of life, is incomplete life, not worthy of envy.

No friendship, no friend of life, was a gloomy life, is a failure of life.

Thank you!

学生关于英语口语演讲稿 篇7

I have a very lucky family. There are five people in my family, my dad, mom, sister and brother.

My dad is a host of the family. He is tall and strong. He is a boss. He works very hard. He likes singing and doing sports. He is very funny. He cares about us. My mom is a boss, too. She likes planting. She is very busy every day. But she is very kind to us. We love her very much.

“ Tom, you are a naughty boy,” my mom always says. Yes, my brother Tom is really naughty. He likes sports very much. He usually makes funny of me. When I am angry every time, he always says: “ You look like a monkey!” I am even mad, but he is much happy.

My sister is a sports player. She is tall and strong. She has big eyes, small nose and mouth and two small ears. She is pretty and cute. She likes listening to music every much. “ Proud of you” is her favourite English song. She can sing very well and she even teaches me sing this song.

I am a happy girl. I like listening to music, too. like playing pingpong . I love my parents and they love me, too.

学生关于英语口语演讲稿 篇8

Chen Yongsi&Chen Haiying(15):

There are many sayings in our life.But have you ever realized that some of them may be truth and some of them may be ridiculous rumors?Let’s welcome Chen Yongsi and Chen Haiying to help us find out the truth behind it.WELCOME!!! Chen Peishan(15): Failure is the mother of success.We know Thomas Edison almost failed 8,000 times in inventing the light bulb.But as we all know,after his hard work,he finally changed the whole world.After reading about famous musician Beethoven's story,Chen Peishan from Class 15 has something to say as well.Let's welcome her! Luo Shumeng(16): Are you good at learning English?What’s the secret of your success ?Well, Luo Shumeng from Class 16 today may give us some clues about it.So let's welcome him to make us a speech!WELCOME!! Xiao Xingrui(16): Have you watched the movie 'The Pursuit of Happiness'

during this winter holiday? I can still remember what Chris said to his son,it really impressed me though.’You got a dream,you gotta protect it.’That’s what he said.So what do you think about this movie?Let's welcome Xiao Xingrui from Class 16 to talk about his impression to this film.Big hands!! Peng Tailing(16): Wow,the next topic may make you crazy.I hope that you've heard about the iWatch .Because the next speaker is going to talk about something like that.Remember that we talked about the advantages and disadvantages about computers last term.So what will Peng Tailing From Class 16 bring us next?Let's welcome him on the stage!


我们生活中有许多谚语。但你有没有意识到,他们中的一些人可能是真理,其中一些可能是荒谬的谣言?让我们欢迎陈Yongsi和陈Haiying it.WELCOME背后帮助我们找出真相! ! !陈Peishan(15):失败是成功之母。我们知道,托马斯·爱迪生在发明灯泡几乎失败了8000次。但我们都知道,经过他的努力之后,他终于改变了整个世界。阅读著名的音乐家贝多芬的故事后,陈Peishan从15类也有话要说。让我们欢迎她!罗Shumeng(16):你擅长学习英语吗?你成功的秘诀是什么?嗯,罗Shumeng从类16今天可能会给我们一些线索。让我们欢迎他给我们讲话!欢迎! !肖Xingrui(16):你看过电影“追求幸福”

在这个寒假吗?我还记得克里斯对儿子说了什么,真的给我留下了深刻的印象。“你有梦想,你就得保护它。”他说。你觉得这部电影怎么样?让我们欢迎肖Xingrui从类16谈论他对这部电影的印象。大的手! !彭尾矿(16):哇,下一个主题会让你疯狂。我希望你听说过iWatch。因为下一个演讲者谈论这样的事。还记得我们谈到了关于上学期计算机的优点和缺点。所以接下来彭尾矿从类16会带给我们什么?让我们欢迎他在舞台上!

学生关于英语口语演讲稿 篇9

Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. I am Tracy from Guangzhou Huamei International School. I am a shiny girl. My family love me and I love then too. Do you know how help at home? Let me tell you about that.

My mom works very hard every day. She comes home very late in the evening. Usually my dad cooks for us. Sometimes I help my dad to wash the vegetables. Sometimes I set the table. I always wash the dishes when we finish eating. After I finish my homework I often water the flowers. I also look after my pet fish. I feed the fish before I go to bed.

I really enjoy helping my partents at home. Do you think I an a helpful girl? I think so!

Thank you!

学生关于英语口语演讲稿 篇10

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends. My friends will listen to me when I want to speak, will wipe my eyes when I cry, will take care of me when I am sick, and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life.

Friendship is a kind of treasure in our lives. It is actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be. It is also like a cup of tea. When we are thirsty, it will be our best choice, but when we have enough time to enjoy ourselves, it is also the most fragrant drink.

All of us have to spare some time for personal lives. We have to find the chance to express our emotion and love. When staying with our friends, we can release ourselves completely. We can do whatever we want, we can laugh together, talk together, and even cry to-gether. I should say that being together with our best friends is the most wonderful moment of our lives.

As we know, we would feel lonely if we didn't even have a friend. But it doesn't mean we could depend on our friends all the time. There is a famous motto saying that “A friend is like a quilt with cotton wadding, but the real thing that keeps you warm is your own temperature.” It is really true. We have to work hard together with our friends, encourage each other and help each other. When we receive love and friendship, we should repay as much as we can.

Finally, let's pray together now that one day, all of us could find the person we want to find, and could enjoy a real beautiful friendship in our lives. Let's pray the flower of friendship be-tween our friends and us would always bloom brightly in our hearts

Thank you!
