

英语成语故事:破镜重圆 篇1

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589), there lived a beautiful, intelligent princess name Lechang in the State Chen. She and her husband Xu Deyan loved each other dearly. But before long their country was in danger of being invaded by the troops of the Sui Dynasty. Princess Lechang and Xu Deyan had a premonition that their county would be occupied by the invaders and they would have to leave the palace and go into exile. During the chaos they might lose touch with each other. They broke a bronze mirror, a symbol of the unity of husband and wife into two parts and each of them kept a half. They aGREed that each would take their half of the mirror to the fair during the Lantern Festival, which is on the 15th day of the first Lunar month, in the hope that would meet again. When they were united the two halves would join together. Soon their premonition came true. During the chaos of war, the princess lost touch with her husband was taken to a powerful minister Yang Su's house and was made his mistress.

At the Lantern Festival the next year, Xu Deyan took his half of the mirror to the fair. He hoped that he could meet his wife. It so happened that a servant was selling the other half of the bronze mirror. Xu Deyan recognized it immediately. He asked the servant about his wife. As he heard about her bitter experience, tears rolled down his cheeks. Xu Deyan wrote a poem on the half of the mirror kept by his wife: "You left me with your broken mirror Now the mirror is back but not you I can no longer see your reflection in the mirror Only the bright moon but not you" 。

the servant brought back the inscribed half of the mirror to princess Lechang. For days, she could not help sobbing because she knew her husband was still alive and that he missed her but they could not meet forever.

the minister, Yang Su, found this out. He was also moved by their true love and realized it was impossible to get Lechang's love. So he sent for Xu Deyan and allowed the husband and wife to reunite.

From that story comes the idiom "A broken mirror joined together"。

It is used to suggest the happy reunion of a separated couple.

有趣的英语成语故事 篇2


A farmer in the state of Song once got a piece of stone with jade init.


He presented this stone to Prime Minister Zi Han. But Zi Han refused toaccept it. The farmer explained, “It looks like just a stone, butthere is jade inside. It actually is a piece of treasure and suitable forhonorable men like you, not for us common people.”


“I know there is jade inside,” Zi Han said,” but I disagree with I think to have the virtue of declining things that do not belongto oneself is the real treasure. ”


英语成语故事简短 篇3

Once upon a time, there was a day, while he was working in the fields, he saw a hare run into a tree stump accidentally and die of a broken neck.

The farmer took the hare home and cooked a delicious meal for himself.

That night he thought: "I neednt work so hard. All I have to do is wait every day by the stump to pick up the hare that runs into it.

So from then on he gave up farming, and stood by the tree stump waiting for the hare to come and run into it.

Butfromthen on, he never saw another hare run into the tree stump.






英语成语故事:highly talented才高八斗 篇4

tsau pi and tsau jr were sons of tsau tsau. both were very gifted writers, and tsau jr was especially quick-witted.


after tsau tsau's death, tsau pi took over the throne of the kingdom of wei. jealous of tsau jr's literary ability, and afraid that he might cause problems, tsau pi was always looking for a way to kill his brother.


one day, tsau pi called tsau jr into see him.he ordered his brother to make up a poem within the time it took to walk seven steps, adding that if he could not, his life would be in danger.


greatly saddened, tsau jr began to walk and to think. before he had taken the seven steps, he had already finished his poem, the meaning of which was: "brothers are of the same family, so why should the oppress each other?"


tsau jr was very intelligent and loved to study. he wrote many outstanding articles which showed his artistic talent and earned him the admiration of many people. one scholar said of him: "heaven gave the world ten decalitres of talent, and tsau jr alone has eight of them."


英语成语故事简短 篇5

In the reign of Emperor the Second of the Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.), the prime minister Zhao Gao, obsessed with ambitions, was planning to usurp the throne day and night. But he did not know how many of the ministers in the court were allowed to be ordered about by him and how many of them were his opponents. So he thought out a way to test how high his prestige among the ministers was and also to find out who dared to oppose him.

One day when court was held, Zhao Gao let someone bring a stag to the court and, with a broad smile on his face, he said to Emperor the Second of the Qin Dynasty:"Your Majesty, here is a fine horse Im presenting to you." Looking at the animal, Emperor the Second thought that it was obviously a stag and that it couldnt be a horse. So he said smilingly to Zhao Gao:"Mister Prime Minister, you are wrong. This is a stay. Why do you say it is a horse?" Remaining calm, Zhao Gao said:"Will your Majesty please see more clearly? This really is a horse that covers a thousand li a day." Filled with suspicion, Emperor the Second looked at the stag again and said:"How can the antlers be grown on the head of a horse?" Turning around and pointing his finger at the ministers, Zhao Gao said in a loud voice:"if our Majesty do not believe me, you can ask the ministers."

The nonsense of Zhao Gao made the ministers totally at a lose, and they whispered to themselves: What tricks was Zhao Gao playing? Was it not obvious whether it was a stag or a horse? But when they saw the sinister smile on Zhao Gaos face and his two rolling eyes which were gazing at each of them, they suddenly understood his evil intentions.

Some of the ministers who were timid and yet had a sense of right eousness did not dare to say anything, because to tell lies would make their conscience uneasy and to tell the truth would mean that they would be persecuted by Zhao Gao later. Some ministers with a sense of justice persisted that it was a stag and not a horse. There were still some crafty and fawning ministers who followed Zhao Gao closely in ordinary times. They immediately voiced their support to Zhao Gao, saying to the emperor:"This really in a horse that covers a thousand li a day."

After the event, Zhao Gao punished by various means those ministers with a sense of justice who were not obedient to him, even with whole families of some of those ministers executed.

This story appears in "The Life of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty" in The Historical Records written by Sima Qian. From this story people have derived the set phrase "calling a stag a horse" to mean deliberately misrepresenting some thing and misleading the public.







成语故事英语版短 篇6


Once upon a time, there was a thief saw a doorbell hanging on the neighbour’s door. He wanted to steal it.

But he knew that bell would ring as soon as he touched it. And then he would be discovered.

He thought: Only using ears can hear the sound. What if I cover my ears? Then the sound would not be heard anymore.

Whereupon he covered his own ears and tried to steal the bell. However, he was discovered immediately when he touched the bell.




英语成语故事:within an ace of winning功亏一篑 篇7

Once a man planned to build a terrace.


He worked very hard and spent a lot of time digging and carrying earth.


When the mound was almost completed and only one more basket of earth was needed, the man gave up.


The terrace was never completed.


子罕拒玉 篇8

A farmer in the state of Song once got a piece of stone with jade init.


He presented this stone to Prime Minister Zi Han. But Zi Han refused toaccept it. The farmer explained, “It looks like just a stone, butthere is jade inside. It actually is a piece of treasure and suitable forhonorable men like you, not for us common people.”


“I know there is jade inside,” Zi Han said,” but I disagree with I think to have the virtue of declining things that do not belongto oneself is the real treasure. ”


A farmer in the state of Song once got a piece of stone with jade init.


He presented this stone to Prime Minister Zi Han. But Zi Han refused toaccept it. The farmer explained, “It looks like just a stone, butthere is jade inside. It actually is a piece of treasure and suitable forhonorable men like you, not for us common people.”


“I know there is jade inside,” Zi Han said,” but I disagree with I think to have the virtue of declining things that do not belongto oneself is the real treasure. ”


成语故事英文版简短一分钟 篇9

fail the exam


In the Song Dynasty (宋朝) there was a joker called Sun Shan(孙山).


One year he went to take the imperialexamination, and came bottomof the listof successfulcandidates.


Back in his hometown, one of his neighbor asked him whetherthe neighbor's son had also passed.


Sun Shan said, with a smile:"Sun Shan was the last on the list. Your son came after Sun Shan."


The peopleused this idiom to indicatefailing in an examination or competition.


有趣的英语成语故事 篇10


Once upon a time, the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan, legendary ruler of primitive China, went boating on the Eastern Sea. While she was enjoying herself, a strong wind rose on the sea and her boat capsized. Just before she was buried by the surging waves, her spirit turned into a beautiful bird. As it flew over the roaring sea, it cried sadly in the sound "jinwei, jingwei"。 That was why people called it "Jingwei"。

The bird lived on a mountain near the sea. It hated the sea so much that it decided to fill it up. Every day, it flew to and fro between the mountain and the sea, carrying in a twig or a pebble from the mountain and dropping it into the sea.

One day, the roaring sea said to Jingwei, "Poor little bird, stop doing that meaningless thing! You'll never fill me up." Jingwei replied, "I'll fill you up no doubt! I will, even if it'll take me thousands of years! I'll fight on until doomsday!"

The brave little bird kept carrying twigs and pebbles from the mountain to the Eastern Sea without taking a rest.

From this fable comes the idiom "The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea"。 We use it to describe people who are firm and indomitable and will not stop until they reach their goal.

从前,炎帝(传说中中国原始社会的统治者)的小女儿在东海上划船。正当她划得高兴时,海面上突然升起一阵大风,把她的小船弄翻了。就在她要被汹涌的波浪吞 没时,她的灵魂变成了一只美丽的小鸟。它飞过那咆哮的海面,伤心的叫着"精卫,精卫"的声音。所以人们就叫她"精卫"。


一天,咆哮的大海对精卫说:"可怜的小鸟,停止你那无谓的举动吧!你是永远都填不平我的。" 精卫回答说:"我当然会把你填平的!即使这需要千千万万年的时间,我也一定会斗争到底,直到你的末日来临!"


