

有关教师节的英语手抄报内容 篇1

From childhood to adulthood, I have received countless benefits from others: the grace of childbirth given by my parents; The help given by others, and even the teacher, made me remember the kindness of my life - teacher's kindness.

The teacher gave me countless knowledge and principles, but what moved me most and never forgot was to care for others and be tolerant to others.

It was a scorching summer afternoon, but I coughed fiercely, which was incompatible with the hot summer scene. At this time, the teacher was lecturing on the podium in full swing. I summoned up my strength and resisted coughing, but how could this succeed? On the contrary, stealing chicken can't reverse the erosion of rice. It's even worse. The more you are appointed, the more intense it becomes, and you can get out of control. It just turns a good class into a paste. I thought the teacher would be furious or turn a blind eye to me, but there was a soft voice of concern in my ear: "are you okay? Do you want to have a rest? Or go to drink some water?" It's the teacher's voice. Then, the teacher patted me gently and gently on the back like his own child. In this way, a simple word and a simple action made my heart tremble like never before

Ah! Teacher, your kindness to me is more than that in books. I will never forget your gurgling teachings, your diligent teachings, and even more, you taught me how to care for others and broadband others!

Oh, Shien unforgettable, Shien unforgettable!

教师节英语手抄报 篇2

On the morning of Teacher's Day on September 10th, I was walking on my way to school, frowning and thinking to myself: What should I give to the teacher? The teacher has put a lot of effort into our study and life, and I must give him a good gift.

Unconsciously, I saw the wild chrysanthemums on the roadside, they were so beautiful! By the way, how many wild chrysanthemums do you want to give to the teacher? Yes, just send wild chrysanthemums. Thinking about it, a burst of chrysanthemum fragrance came to my face, really fragrant! I picked a few wild chrysanthemums and carefully organized them, then happily ran to the school. Finally, I arrived at school and walked towards the teacher's office in two or three steps. When I arrived at the teacher's office, I was afraid that the teacher was working inside, so I pretended to be a student walking through the window to see if there was anyone in the teacher's office. The teacher's office was empty, and he must have gone to clean it with his classmates. When it comes to cleaning, a touching scene unconsciously emerges in front of me: it was last year when we were cleaning the flower beds by the big pond, and the teacher was also cleaning them. His face was pale, as if he hadn't slept last night. Suddenly, our classmate He Juan accidentally slipped into the pond, and we were in a hurry, unsure of what to do. But the teacher remained calm and composed, jumping into the water without taking off her clothes to save He Juan. He Juan was rescued, but the teacher caught a bad cold... I carefully inserted the wild chrysanthemum into the teacher's pen holder, and I smiled knowingly. The teacher saw my flowers, his eyes moistened, and quickly ran into the classroom, holding the flowers in his hand: "Who put them in my pen holder?" "Yes... I... put them!" I thought the teacher would criticize me, but the teacher reported me to his arms. "Thank you... thank you," the teacher's tears welled up. He stroked my head like his father, and I also shed tears: "Although I am not your student, you are my teacher!" "No! You are my student, always will be!" The teacher sobbed with tears in her eyes.

Teacher wishes you a happy holiday! "I silently thought in my heart, silently blessing.

教师节英语手抄报 篇3

Today is Teacher's Day, and I want to visit my alma mater with beautiful memories on this special day, as well as my dearest Teacher Hu.

Two years ago, I transferred from Beijing and experienced numerous difficulties. It was Teacher Hu who extended a gentle hand to pull me out of the predicament when I was most confused. At that time, I was foolish enough to get emotional due to a lot of homework. It is you who encouraged me to learn calligraphy, allowing me to embark on the path of art without the opportunity to practice calligraphy; It is you who made me fall in love with writing in fear and achieve certain accomplishments; It's you who led me towards the sunny path of life. My dear Teacher Hu, I am not the most important person in your life, but your position in my heart cannot be replaced.

As soon as school was over in the afternoon, I rushed out of the campus and ran to my alma mater. The familiar teaching building once again caught my eye, so friendly and lovely. I accelerated my pace and flew to the office on the third floor.

Teacher Hu saw me and showed his signature smile. I walked forward, and Teacher Hu took my hand in surprise. She hugged me and said, "Xulu, you are the first to come to see me today. Come, let Teacher Hu take a look. You have grown taller and grown up, and wearing your school uniform is like a little adult..." The teacher's warm and caring words made me feel even more intimate. I feel the warmth coming from the teacher's palm.

Mom suggested that we take a photo as a souvenir. In the warm sunshine of the afternoon, we left the most beautiful memories.

On this different Tuesday, I wish all teachers a happy holiday, good health, and a world full of peaches and plums!

教师节英语手抄报 篇4

On Teacher's Day, Wu Kejia and Luo Qi arrived in the classroom early as scheduled, preparing to give an accident to the teacher and classmates. During self-study in the morning, students competed to give flowers to Teacher Luo. Only when the classmates have finished sending all the flowers can we three make a brilliant appearance. We walked onto the podium and gave Feng Ling, made of a thousand paper cranes, to Teacher Luo. Together, we wished him a happy holiday! "Teacher Luo laughed uncontrollably and said," It's really beautiful! Thank you. The first class is math. Teacher Lin arrived, and our three swordsmen once again made a shining appearance. We gave the lantern made of a thousand paper cranes to Teacher Lin and also sent a blessing: "Wishing Teacher Lin a happy holiday. Teacher Lin also smiled. Throughout the entire class, Teacher Lin was smiling. You know, Teacher Lin used to be very serious and never gave a class with a smile! Seeing the happy smiles of the teachers, our hearts were filled with joy.

A special surprise comes from a special creativity, and this creativity and inspiration come by chance. During the summer vacation, Luo Qi and Wu Kejia came to my house to play. When Luo Qi saw a beautiful piece of paper on my desk, he said, "Let me teach you how to fold a thousand paper cranes!" About sixty of them were folded, and we almost thought of an idea at the same time: on Teacher's Day, we send one hundred thousand paper cranes to Teacher Luo and one hundred thousand paper cranes to Teacher Lin, to give them a surprise! With this idea, we each prepared to fold a thousand paper cranes at home. On September 6th, we gathered at Wu Kejia's house with Thousand Paper Cranes. We thread the Thousand Paper Crane with thin white thread, hang it with a flower, and make it into a lantern shape and a wind bell shape, respectively. Looking at the work completed by the three of us, we smiled knowingly.

有关教师节的英语手抄报内容 篇5

Some people say that teachers are like the brightest star in the sky, guiding us on the way of life; Some people say that teachers are candlelight, burning themselves, releasing light for our door; Some people say that teachers are pairs of wings, which can let students soar in the blue sky.

The annual teachers' Day is coming, and time passes. This is the last teachers' day, so we should hold this Teachers' day well. This activity was organized by Yu Nan and Si Qin. It's scheduled for the first class in the afternoon.

At noon, we came to decorate the classroom one after another. We dressed the classroom beautifully, especially the words written on the blackboard - Happy Teachers' day. The activity began. First, the teacher drew lots, and the host read the blessings of whoever was drawn. I think among so many blessings, Cheng LAN can write. Although she writes very plain and ordinary, her mind is infinite. The blessing I wrote is very simple, but it also represents my heart.

You helped us celebrate International Children's Day. This time, we helped you celebrate Teacher's day. Usually, during class, you will write neat and beautiful words on the blackboard to explain the content of the text for us. Every explanation will make your throat uncomfortable. I'm so sorry! Taking advantage of this Teachers' day, we give you some gifts. Among these gifts, it is also the gift of Cheng LAN. She made dumplings by herself. It can be seen that she made dumplings very carefully and helped the teacher celebrate this Teachers' day with her heart. Our gift is not as good as others' gift. Our gift is a recording doll. We want the teacher to hear the recording doll say, "I wish the teacher a happy holiday. I want the teacher to always smile like this recording doll and face every minute and every second. We also give the teacher a water glass. When you want the teacher to drink my cup, you will think it's me.".

After the first class, the teacher brought the hoof to us to eat. It was originally handed down, but later it was robbed. Everyone was very happy.

Your love is as warm as the sun, as warm as the spring breeze, and as sweet as the clear spring. Your love is more severe than father's love, more delicate than mother's love, and more pure than friendship.

Thank you, teacher!

教师节英语手抄报 篇6

In a crisp and fruity September, we will welcome another Teacher's Day. This is the last Teacher's Day we spent with our teachers in our six years of primary school, so I have a lot to say to you, teacher.

If our parents taught us the first step in life, then you taught us the first step in life. Time is like water, in the blink of an eye, five years of time have quickly passed away, leaving only your passionate words in our hearts. But at the same time, we have never known when your face has added wrinkles or when your head is surrounded by silver shiny hair. But you still have no complaints or regrets, tirelessly imparting us rich knowledge. I remember that time, you had a very serious cold, but for our sake, you still taught us with your weak body and used your hoarse voice to answer the helpless problems we encountered in our studies. Nowadays, we have become sixth grade students, but whenever we make mistakes, you don't get angry, but teach us some principles on how to be a person. Dear teacher! In the year that we are about to graduate from primary school, we will not disappoint your expectations of us, work hard, and complete our primary school learning career. Stalin once said, "Teachers are engineers of the human soul." You clean our souls every day, allowing everything that benefits us to enter our brains and make our thinking more active.

Li Shangyin wrote in a poem: "Spring silkworms die before the silk is exhausted, and wax torches turn into ashes before tears dry." A piece of chalk touched the confusion of the knowledge kingdom; On a blackboard, record the infinite love between teachers and students; A podium shines with all the hardships, playing the music of infinite love. Here, I want to loudly say to you, "Teacher, I love you

有关教师节的英语手抄报内容 篇7

Time passed in a hurry, and the teacher's Day was about to come. We had been promoted to grade 6. This was the last teacher's day we had in primary school. In the evening, I opened my composition book and saw familiar fonts and encouraging words. The composition book seemed to become a memory screen, showing the five years that the teacher spent with us.

Looking back on the past five years, teachers have been good to us, teachers have been "bad" to us, and teachers have taught us all vividly. I remember in the second grade, the teacher can also neatly tie a long black hair into a ponytail, but now the teacher has white hair on his temples, and years have left a deep mark on the corners of his eyes. The teacher's youth is quietly passing away, silently. We really want to say, "thank you, my teacher", but our teacher will smile calmly, as if everything had never happened, and everything should be taken for granted. In our view, the teacher's youth is gold, and the teacher's youth is water, which moistens our seedlings; Teachers' youth is fire, which ignites our hearts; Teachers' youth is light, illuminating our path; The teacher's youth is hot, which warms our hearts. You dye the color of my youth with all the love in your heart.

Flowers are grateful to rain and dew, because rain and dew moisten flowers. The goshawk is grateful to the sky, because the sky makes it free. And I want to thank you, thank you for our efforts in 1825 days and nights... Thinking about it, my vision is blurred, and I can't help looking out the window. It seems that there is a meteor across the sky. I grabbed the time to make a wish, bless you, my teacher, and wish you health, happiness and youth forever.

Only separation can be reflected in the happiness of this reunion. We will not forget the "Youth" of teachers and teachers' youth. Teachers have no regrets, and youth has no regrets.
