

Unit6 Colours 篇1


colour颜色 orange橙色的 green绿色的 yellow黄色的

black黑色的 blue蓝色的 brown棕色的 white白色的

now现在 and和 an一个 egg蛋 or 或


a green skirt一条绿色的裙子 an orange skirt一条橙色的裙子

this T-shirt这件T恤衫 Would you like…? 你想要……吗?


1.What colour is this T-shirt? 这件T恤衫是什么颜色的?

2.It’s red and yellow. 它是红黄相间的。

3.Would you like an egg?你想要个鸡蛋吗?

4.Yes, please.好的,太感谢了。

5.Who is wearing yellow today?今天谁穿了黄色的衣服?


1.a 和 an 的区别


例如: a cap an egg an apple an orange


例如: an orange cap a brown egg a red apple

3. colour除了可作为名词“颜色:,还可以作动词用“给……涂色”,

例如:colour it blue 把它涂成蓝色



1.a blue shirt ______________

2.an orange orange ______________

3.look at my cap______________


中译英文章翻译:小麻雀 篇2

A Little Sparrow


Lao She


As soon as the rain stopped, a little sparrow, almost full-fledged, flew into the courtyard. Ithopped, fluttered, darting up to the edge of flower pots and back to the ground again.Watching it move up and down a couple of times, I realized drat it could not fly any higher asthe plumes on its left wing had got twisted with one sticking out as if about to come off. WhenI made an attempt to move closer, it jumped off a hit and stopped again, staring back at mewith its small, black and bean-like eyes that had a mixed look of wanting to be friends with meand not being certain that I was trustworthy. It occurred to me that this must be a tamebird, having been caged since it was hatched perhaps. No wonder it was not much scared of mypresence. Its left wing might have been impaired by some kid and that was why there wasdistrust in its look though it showed some intimacy with man. Suddenly I was seized withsadness. How miserable it was for a bird to lose its wings! Without someone taking care of itthis small thing could not survive. But man had injured its wing. How cruel he was! Injured asit was, it still wanted to rely on man. How pitiable! The look in its eyes showed that She littlecreature was of two minds. It was small and by no means pretty, yet its gestures andexpressions revealed that it had been wronged and landed in a difficult situation. It was anxiousto keep its delicate life out of danger, but it did not know what to do. It had little confidencein itself and less trust in man, but it needed someone to rely on. It hopped and stopped,looking at me but too shy to come over. I thought of fetching some cooked rice to attract it,but I dared not leave it alone test it should be attacked by the kitten. As the kitten was notaround at the moment, I hurried to the kitchen and cause back with a few grains only to findthe bind missing. I ran to the outer yard and saw the kitten crouching by a flower pot in frontof the screen wall. I hastened to drive her away but, with a quick jump, she caught hold of thebird. The tame sparrow, with its tail and claws dangling from the kitten’s mouth, did not evenknow how to struggle. It looked more dead than alive.


With my eyes fixed on the bird, I watched the kitten run first to the kitchen and then to theram at the west end. I was afraid to press hard after her, but I had to follow her in case sheshould tighten her jaws. Though the bird's head was not visible to toe, the look of anticipateddanger in its eyes was vivid in my wind. Between its look and my sympathy stood that smallwhite cat. Having run a few rounds after her I quit, thinking it was pointless to chase her likethat because, by the time I caught her, the bird would have been half dead. When the catslipped back to the kitchen again, I hesitated for a second and then hurried over there too. Itseemed, in my mind's eye, the little bird were pleading for help with its two black bean-likeeyes.


In the kitchen I noticed the cat was crouching by a tin pipe which was installed as smoke ductin winter and dismantled in spring, at the corner, but the bird was not with her. The pipe leanedagainst the corner and, between its lower end and the floor; there was an opening throughwhich the cat was probing with her paws. My hope revived: the bird was not dead. As thekitten was less than four months old, it had not teamed how to catch mice, or how to kill forthat matter. It was merely holding the bird in its mouth and having fun with it. While I wasthinking along these lines the little bird suddenly emerged and the kitten, taken aback, boltedbackward. Tile way the little bird looked was so registered to me at the first glance that I feltlike shutting my eyes immediately. It was virtually crouching, with its chest close to the floor,like a man suffering from a stomachache. There was no stain of blood on its body, but itseemed to be shrinking up into itself. Its head dropped low, its small beak pointing to the floor.Its two black eyes, unseeing, were very black and large, looking last- The little life left in it was alin the eyes. It seemed to be expecting the cat to charge again, with no strength to resist orrun; or wishing that the cat would be kind enough to pardon it or that some saviour wouldcome along to its rescue. Life and death coexisted in its eyes. I thought the bin must beconfused or stunned, or else why should it have come out from the pipe? Stunned as it was, itstill cherished some hope which, though hard to define, was the source of life. With thathope it gazed at the floor, expecting either to survive or die. I was so really scared that itbecame completely motionless, leaving itself all to the precarious hope. It kept quiet and stillas if waiting for its life to flow out of its eyes.


The kitten made no more attempts to attack it. She only tried to touch it with her little paws.As the kitten touched it, it tilted from side to side, its head undisturbed and its eyes lookingblank at the floor. It would not fight back so long as there was a chance of survival. But thebird had not lost all of its courage; it acted this way only with the cat. I went aver light-footed,picked up the cat and put her outside the door, the sparrow remaining where it was. When Itook it up in my hands and looked, it was riot seriously injured, though some fluff had come offits chest. It was looking at me.


I had no idea what to do. If I let it go, it was sure to die; if I kept it with me, I did rot have acage for it. I held it in my hands as if holding all the lives in the world, not knowing what to do.'Me sparrow huddled up, motionless, its eyes as black as ever, still expectant. It remained thatway for a long while. I took it to my bedroom, put it on the desk and watched it for a fewmoments. Suddenly it tilted its head Wit and then right, winking its black eyes once or twice,and became still again. By now its body seemed to have stretched a hit, but it still kept its headlow as if it had understand something.

Unit4 My family 篇3


family家 father 父亲 mother母亲 brother兄;弟 me我

grandpa祖父 grandma祖母


good evening晚上好 my family 我的家庭 my father我的父亲

my mother我的母亲 my brother我的哥哥


★This is… He’s/She’s…

1.This is my family. 这是我的家庭。

2.This is Tim. He’s my brother. 这是蒂姆。他是我的弟弟。

3.This is me. 这是我。


sister(对应词)——brother grandpa(对应词)——grandma

friend(复数)—— friends are(单数)—— is

I(物主代词)—— my I(宾格)——me

see you(同义词)——goodbye









A:Good __________, Helen.

B:Good afternoon, Liu Tao.


B:He’s my ________, Tim.

A:Nice to ______ ______, Tim.

B:________ to meet you, ________.

小学三年级上册英语练习题 篇4

I have two dogs. Their names are Lucky and Mike. Lucky is white. It

has big eyes and a small body. Mike is white and black.Its birthday is in March.

I like them very much.


( )1. I have three dogs .

( )2. Lucky has small eyes and a big body.

( )3. Mike is white and red.

( )4. Mike's birthday is in March.

( )5. I like the two dogs very much.

Unit7 Would you like a pie? 篇5


pie馅饼 cake蛋糕 ice cream冰淇淋 sweet糖果 hot dog热狗

a一个 look看 what什么 what’s=what is是什么


nice to meet you 很高兴认识你 thank you谢谢

What about…? ...怎么样? for you and me 给你和我


1. This is my sister Helen.这是我的妹妹海伦。

2.Nice to meet you, Helen. 很高兴认识你,海伦。

3.Would you like a pie? 你想要个馅饼吗?

4.No, thank you. 不用,谢谢。

5.What about a cake? 吃个蛋糕怎么样?

6.Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?(常见于服务员问顾客想要些什么)


like 和 would like 的区别

like 喜欢 What do you like? 你喜欢什么

would like 想要…… What would you like? 你想要什么?




1.这个冰激凌是给你的。_______ _______ is ______ you.

2.你想要那个蛋糕吗? ______ you ______ _______ cake?

3.吃个热狗怎么样? _______ ______ a hot dog?

Unit8 Happy New Year!


doll 玩具娃娃 ball球 robot机器人 CD光盘 car小汽车

toy玩具 uncle叔父 that那个 ah啊 ha 哈


a toy car一辆玩具汽车

Happy New Year! 新年快乐!

Happy Birthday! 生日快乐!


1. Happy New Year, Uncle John! 新年快乐,约翰叔叔!

2. This is for you, Helen. 这是给你的,海伦。

3. What’s this? It’s a doll. 这是什么?它是一个玩具娃娃。

4. What’s that? It’s a ball. 那是什么?它是一个球。

5. It’s for Tim. 它是给蒂姆的。



this 这,这个,指:近处

that 那,那个,指:远处

this 的复数 these 这,这些。

that 的复数 those 那,那些。



1. 看那个洋娃娃。--真好看!

______ _____ _____ ______. -- _____ _____!


______ _____ is _____ you. _______ ______ to you!


What ______ ______? -- ______ _____ _____.


( )Thank you.

( )Happy Birthday, Helen!

( )What’s this?

( )How nice! Thank you.

( )It’s a lovely doll. This is for you.

Unit1 Hello! 篇6


hello你好 hi你好 Miss小姐 class同学们

I 我 I’m=I am我是


good morning 早上好 good afternoon 下午好


1.Good morning, Miss Li. 早上好,李老师。

2.Hi/Hello,Mike. 你好,麦克。

3.Good afternoon, class. 下午好,同学们。

4.Hi, I’m Bobby. 你好,我是波比。


1.Names: Helen海伦 Mike 麦克

Tim 蒂姆 Sam 萨姆 Bobby波比

2.morning 和afternoon 的区分。

Morning, morning. 12点之前。

Afternoon,afternoon. 12点之后。



1.( )当你看到新朋友,想打招呼时,可以说:

A.What’s your name? B. Hello. Nice to meet you. C. Goodbye.

2. ( )早上起床,对准备早餐的妈妈说:

A.Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening.

3. ( )下午老师进班上课,对同学们说:

A.Good morning, class. B. Good afternoon, class. C. Good evening, class.

4. ( )当你介绍自己是迈克时,你说:

A. Hello, Mike. B. Hi, I’m Helen. C. Hi, my name is Mike.


1. hi, I’m,Bobby (.) ___________________________________

2. morning, Mike, good ___________________________________
