
Language 篇1

chapter 5-listening, language, writing

一、 章节分析(section analysis)

(一) 综述


(二) 目标


1. 帮助学生在原有文字稿的基础上学会如何更改信息及改正错误。

2. 使学生逐步养成自觉检查错误的习惯。


1. 帮助学生熟悉如何使用直接引语和间接引语。

2. 引导学生主意在书写时标点符号的使用。


1. 让学生综合运用本单元所学的如何描写人物的技巧。

2. 建议学生根据人物性格添加适当人物言语和动作。

3. 帮助学生根据图片讲述故事,如何将故事讲得生动有趣。

(三) 重点和难点





二、 教学设计(teaching designs)

教学内容 教学实施建议 教学资源参考

listening 1. 课本上的三篇文字材料分别对应的是三类不同的修改要求:语法错误,信息修改及文体的改进。

2. 建议教师先让学生阅读文字材料,发现错误点,让学生带着问题再听录音。

3. 在听录音之前,以提问的方式考核学生对于英语语言知识的掌握程度,例如是否知道’plural’, ‘singular’ 在语法中是“复数”和“单数”的意思,以及 英语中的一些标点符号的读法,如apostrophe(‘), comma(,) 等等,为听的步骤扫清障碍,提高听的效果。 《牛津英语教学参考》page t82

language 1. 教师可选用一些小说中的经典对白在课堂中朗读,让学生充分理解直接引语在写作,尤其是人物描写中的重要作用,直接引语创造了极具表现力、戏剧化的作用,使人物形象生动起来,充分表现了人物性格。

2. 以课文上的图片为例,让学生自行比较总结直接引语中标点符号的使用规则。

3. 将直接引语和间接引语的转换分成对陈述句、疑问句和祈使句的转换这三大类进行。在口头练习后进行笔头作业的检查,强化标点符号的正确使用。 《牛津英语教学参考》page t83

writing 1. 激发创作欲望。学生可以阅读课本上提供的故事梗概,尽管没有任何错误,但这样干巴巴的故事显然不吸引人,学生创造精彩故事的欲望因此被充分激发。

2. 构建故事情节。 将班级学生分成六组,每组描述一幅图片,要提醒学生注意场景的描述,动作的描述要注意动词和副词的结合使用。可参考课本上练习a,b的信息。

3. 描写人物外貌。提醒第一组同学勿忘对新人物出场时的外貌描述。

4. 添加语言。学生平时都很爱看漫画书,所以很能理解”speech bubbles” 的用途。让学生添加与人物性格相应的言语。

5. 整体创作。学生仍以小组为单位,动笔写故事,允许学生在教室内自由走动,各小组间可随时协调。


 各小组之间要注意相关信息的一致性,如主要人物的姓名等。

 各小组间要注意个段落的连贯性,如何平稳自然地将故事的场景从on the street 过渡到in the television studio。

 出现人物语言时,注意标点符号的使用。

6. 集体欣赏。各小组将各自完成的部分合并,并由六组的组长作最后的审核。在全班由学生分角色朗读故事,欣赏创造成果。 《牛津英语教学参考》page t90

Language 篇2

unit 5 canada—“the true north”

period 4 using language: listening and talking



this is the fourth teaching period of this unit. as usual, the teacher will first get students to review what they learned in the last period, and then lead in the new lesson.

we will focus on training students’ listening ability in this period. the listening passage introduces information about the cultural and racial composition of canada. canada is one of the few countries that have an official multicultural policy. the population is changing rapidly and immigrants from china are among the most numerous recently. make sure students go through the exercises before they listen to the tape. this is to sharpen their attention. it will also help them get the gist of the listening text. the teaching procedures may be as follows: first, let students think about and discuss what they know about canada’s population and the fact that it is a country of immigrants. second, go through the incomplete sentences in exercise 2 and guess what the topic of the listening text is. play the tape for students to listen to and decide whether their guessing is right. third, ask them to listen again for them to do exercise 2. fourth, let them listen a third time to check their answers. while they are listening, the teacher should pause and repeat the key sentences to help students understand. when checking the answers, explain some difficult listening points if necessary. in the end, show them the listening text and let them read and retell it. this step can help students understand and grasp the listening material far further.

next, students will listen to a report which li daiyu and liu qian were asked to give telling their new canadian friends about china. the purpose of this listening passage is to allow students to make a comparison between canada and china in terms of geography and natural features. the teacher can let students read the directions and go through the exercises before listening. then ask them to listen to the tape and finish their exercises. they should make notes while listening. when students listen to the text, tell them to ignore the words they don’t know and to concentrate on understanding the gist of the text. perhaps some students will find it hard to listen to and understand listening materials. encourage them not to give up. the more they listen to english, the easier it becomes.

after practicing listening, students are required to talk about some of the major similarities and differences between china and canada. encourage them to say something. don’t always correct the mistakes they have made while they are talking. otherwise, they would feel reluctant and not say anything more.


1. develop students’ listening ability.

2. enable students to master different listening skills.

3. let them talk about the major similarities and differences between china and canada.


1. get students to listen to and understand the listening materials.

2. let students talk about the major similarities and differences between china and canada.



1. get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in the listening passages.

2. let students learn about the major similarities and differences between china and canada.


1. enable students to catch and understand the listening materials.

2. develop students’ ability to get special information and take notes while listening.

3. get students to learn and talk about the major similarities and differences between china and canada.


1. enable students to know more about canada.

2. develop students’ sense of group cooperation and teamwork.


→step 1 revision

1. check the homework exercises.

2. ask some students to translate some sentences using noun clauses as the appositive.



3)是否该做这件事, 这一问题使他很烦恼。



suggested answers:

1)the news that he had landed on the moon soon spread all over the country.

2)the general gave the order that the soldiers should cross the river at once.

3)the question whether he should do this troubled him.

4)you have no idea how worried i was.

5)the thought came to him that maybe the enemy had fled the city.

→step 2 warming up

1. tell students: turn to page 37. we are going to the part listening.

2. let them in pairs discuss what they know about canada, especially its culture and people.

→step 3 listening

1. let students read the incomplete sentences in exercise 2 and guess what the topic of the listening material they will hear may be before listening.

2. play the tape for them to listen to and decide whether their guessing is right or not.

3. let them listen to the tape again and complete the following sentences with the correct information.

1)canada encourages people to keep ______________.

2)canada is a mixture of ______________.

3)if you live in the province of quebec, ______________.

4)native indians and the inuit are trying to ______________.

5)more than ______________ languages are used in radio and tv programs.

6)you may find areas where ______________ live near each other.

7)the families ______________ are usually all mixed up.

4. they exchange the information and listen to the tape a third time for checking. let them have the correct answers.

5. give 2 or 3 minutes to them to ask questions if they have any.

6. show them the listening text and let them read it.

listening text: (omitted)

7. let them in pairs take turns to ask and answer the following questions.

1)what is a canadian?

2)why do people say that canada is a multicultural country?

8. ask as many pairs as possible to present their conversation to the class.

→step 4 listening on page 69

turn to page 69.

1. ask students to read through the directions and the exercises. make sure they know what to do.

2. let them discuss in pairs what the most important points are for a foreigner to know about china and then predict what the girls will say in their report.

3. play the tape for them to listen to and see whether their prediction is right.

4. have them listen to the tape again and decide if the following sentences are true or false. if false, correct the information.

1)china is over 7000 kilometers from east to west.

2)both china and canada have mountains in the west of the country.

3)the great wall cannot keep the desert’s dust away from beijing.

4)china has 15 neighboring countries while canada only has one.

5)canadians cannot talk with people in their neighboring country because they do not speak english.

5. let them share their information in pairs.

6. play the tape a third time for them to check and have the correct answers.

7. give 2 or 3 minutes for them to ask questions if they have any.

8. show them the listening text and let them read it aloud.

listening text: (omitted)

9. have them first discuss the question and then give their answers to the class.

why might people from canada want to visit hainan?

→step 5 talking

1. show students the map of canada and the map of china and let them read the maps.

2. have them discuss the question in small groups.

what are some of the major similarities and differences between china and canada?

3. give several minutes for them to prepare their report.

4. ask as many of them as possible to present their report to the class.

→step 6 listening task on page 72

1. turn to page 72. tell students: we are listening to the introductions of three famous canadians in different areas of work.

2. let them go through the report charts and make sure they know what to do before listening.

3. have them listen to part 1 and then fill in the chart about oscar peterson.



kind of music

number of recordings and cds

plays with. . .

4. have them listen to part 2 and then fill in the chart about dr. nancy olivieri.



found a drug that. . .

refused to. . .

is a heroine to. . .

5. have them listen to part 3 and then fill in the chart about wayne gretsky.

is called. . .


is the best. . .

he believed in. . .

he was a star because he scored. . .

6. allow them two or three minutes to discuss and share their answers.

7. play the whole tape again for them to check and have the correct answers.

8. show them the listening text and let them read it aloud.

listening text: (omitted)

→step 7 summary

in this period, we mainly focus on the listening ability. it’s very important. if your listening is poor, you’d better practice more. the more you listen to english, the better your listening is. remember: practice makes perfect.

→step 8 homework

1. finish off the workbook exercises.

2. read the listening texts again and try to learn more about canada from them.


unit 5 canada—“the true north”

listening and talking

1. listening

complete the following sentences with the correct information you hear.

1)canada encourages people to keep ______________.

2)canada is a mixture of ______________.

3)if you live in the province of quebec, ______________.

4)native indians and the inuit are trying to ______________.

5)more than ______________ languages are used in radio and tv programs.

6)you may find areas where ______________ live near each other.

7)the families ______________ are usually all mixed up.

2. talking

what are some of the major similarities and differences between china and canada?


suppose a very important person is visiting your school. you have been asked to introduce this visitor to your class. find information on the internet or in the newspaper or a magazine about this person. make some notes and be prepared to introduce him/her to your class. you should have about four or five pieces of information ready.

you may begin like this:

good morning/afternoon, everybody!

it’s my pleasure to introduce our guest to you today. we are much honored to have ______________ visiting us, because. . .

Language 篇3

unit 3 language in use导学案

teaching aims and demands:

1. 知识目标:总结there be句型表示存在的用法;方位介词的用法。

2. 能力目标:能听懂、读懂有关学校介绍的短文,通过学习使学生自如运用方位介词介绍自己的班级或学校。

3. 情感目标:培养学生的合作学习态度和善于总结复习的学习方法

teaching main points and difficult points:


2.难点:to improve the ss’ writing ability.

teaching aids: multi-media (or tape recorder, ohp)

teaching procedures:

step 1  lead-in

ss ask and answer the questions using the “there be”。

step 2  presentation

language practice:

there are thirty students in my class.

are there computers on everyone’s desk?

no, there aren’t.

is there a map of the world?

no, there isn’t.

how many students are there in your class?

the library is on the left of the playground.

step 3  ask and answer

ask and answer the questions about your school according to the pictures.

step 4  look and answer

look at the pictures and answer the questions.

1. where is the office building?

2. where is the dining hall?

3. where is the playground?

4. where is the sports hall?

5. where is the science building?

step 5  fill in the blanks

read the passage and fill in the blanks according to the picture.

step 6  complete the map

look at the word map and choose the right places for the word and expressions from the box.

blackboard, classroom, office, science hall, sports hall

step 7  around the world

read the passage about school age.

step 8  draw a map

draw a map of your school in a piece of paper.

step 9  decide what to describe with the help of the words from the box

book,  classroom,  computer,  desk,  library,  office,  playground

step 10  production

write a composition about your school.

this is our school.

there are …classrooms.

this is our classroom.

there are … students.

there’s a(n) …, but there isn’t a(n) …

step 11  exercises

step 12  homework


in my classroom there are…in my school …

Language 篇4

module 12 traditional life

unit 3 language in use■warming updifferent nations have different manners and customs. different places have different manners and customs.we have to behave ourselves according to the different manners and customs. that’s what we say in chinese: 入乡随俗。 today we shall put language in use. that is, to behave ourselves, not only according to the grammar rules, but also to the different manners and customs.■language practicedo more language china you must wait and open your present australia you can't drop litter in the britain you can't ride your bike on the australia you can take photos of people1 listen and checklisten to a teenager talking about life. check (√) the things he must and mustn't do.1 clean bedroom   2 wash up3 stay out after 9:00 pm4 smoke5 do homework6 wash hands7 use the telephone without asking8 play music loudly after 10:00 pm√√√√××2 listen and write.what two things does he say he can do?he says he can use the telephone without asking.he says he can stay out after 9:00 pm.3 read and write.write some things you can, must, and mustn't do at home.i must do some housework.i must clean the room.i must keep away from dangers.i must enjoy myself.i must complete my homework on time.i mustn't be rude to parents.i mustn’t put the medicine in the wrong place.i mustn’t drop litter. i mustn’t lock the door without taking the keys.  i can do nothing.i can put down my parents’ words.i can shake the shelf for a book.i can talk loudly to my dog.4 talk and in pairs. tell each other three things you must do at home and three things youmustn't do. are your home rules different or the same?i must visit my grandparents once a week. i mustn't smoke.i must write down all new words from the text. i must wear light shoes at home.i must wash up my bowls and cups at home.i must translate english into chinese. …i mustn’t look up all the new words in the dictionary.i mustn’t whisper in class.i mustn’t translate all my texts into chinese.… 5 think and write.write some things you must or mustn't do at mustn't come to school late.1 you must take your shoes off in the gym.2 you mustn’t eat in the library.3 you mustn’t ride your bike in the playground.4 you must do your homework.5 you must listen to the teacher.6 & 7 read and complete. complete the sentences with can or can't. something we can do, and something we can’t do. now complete the sentences with can or can't.1 you can’t drive a car at the age of sixteen.2 you can’t get married at sixteen.3 you can leave china with a passport.4 you can’t leave school at the age of fourteen.5 you can’t have a job at twelve.6 you can learn english outside the classroom.write as they do. (仿写)8 read and complete.match the words in the box with the descriptions. there are words and expressions in the box. and you see eight sentences, too, on page 101. now try to match the words in the box with the more such practices.1 it's something nice to eat. → chocolate2 it's something you watch. →  video3 you wear it on your head. → baseball cap4 you eat with them.  →chopsticks5 you play a game with it. → chess set6 you wrap it and give it to someone on their birthday.  →present7 you can look up words you don't know in it. →dictionary8 you can put money in it. → purse9 choose and a class game. choose a word from the box and describe it to the class. the class guesses what it is.a: many people have one.b: is it a chess set?a: no. you use them to get to places.c: is it a bicycle?a: yes!a: many people like to play it.b: is it a video?a: no. you play it on the playground.c: is it baseball?a: yes!a: many people like to wear it.b: is it a pair of shoes?a: no. you wear it in winter.c: is it a cap?a: yes!a: people play something on it.b: is it a bicycle?a: no. two people play on it.c: is it a chess set?a: yes!a: people love it.b: is it a purse?a: no. some people love to eat it.c: is it a chocolate?a: yes!a: many chinese people use them.b: is it dictionaries?a: no. you use them to eat chinese food in china.c: is it chopsticks?a: yes. 10 read and the passage with the words in the boxes.write as they do. (仿写)11 look and say. look at the signs and guess what they the first sign, you mustn't the second sign, you mustn't the third sign, you mustn't the fourth sign, you must the class about other signs you can think of.■around the worldlet’s go around the world on page 103. this time we are going to learn signs around the world. read the around the world passage. while reading try to cut(断句)/ the sentences into parts, blacken(涂黑) the predicates, shade(加影)the connectives and underline(划线)the expressions. write as they do. (仿写)■module task→ writing advice for foreign guests to a chinese family12 think and in pairs. make notes on what you must, mustn't or can do.1 what must you wear?→ you must nice clothes.2 what mustn't you ask?→ you mustn’t ask about a woman’s age.3 what presents must you bring?→ you must bring some small nice presents.4 what presents mustn't you give?→ you mustn’t bring big, expensive presents. 5 what mustn't you bring into the country?→ you mustn't bring into china drug, fruits and bad books?6 what mustn't you do in the streets?→ you mustn’t shout in the street. 7 what must you do when you visit someone at home?→ you must knock at his door first. 13 think and write.write your advice for people coming to mustn't give a clock to a chinese family as a present. you mustn't give medicines to a chinese family as a mustn’t use chinese number four to name a person. it is connected with death. you mustn’t visit a old person without giving him some presents.

Language 篇5

unit 3 our senses  language讲学稿

一。 单项选择

1.--- i can’t find my pen. can you lend ______ yours?

- sorry, i am using it _____.

a.  i…myself      b. my…me    c. me…myself     d. i …myself

2. mr. white didn’t teach ______ english last term. our english teacher is mr. black.

a. we   b. us      c. our     d. ourselves

3. ---oh, hi ,ann.

--- hi, mary. come in. make ______ at home.

a. you    b. your      c. yourself   d. yourselves

4. --- i made the cake by __________. help __________,tom.

---thanks, jane.

a. me…you     b. myself…yourself     c. me.. yourself   d. myself…you

5. ---she is too busy to help ______ with the work.

---let’s do it ________.

a. her…herself     b. us… ourselves   c. it…itself   d. you… yourself

6. tom, your father asked you to do it _________.

a. itself     b. yourself      c. himself     d. yourselves

二。用所给词的适当形式填空: ________________ to some cakes , boys and girls. (you)

2. we can’t leave by the boy by _________ (he)

3.--- who taught _________ japanese? ---he taught ___________ (he).

4. my little brother is to young to look after __________. (he)

三。 根据中文意思,完成句子。

1. 昨天他们在公园玩得很高兴。

yesterday they _____________________  in the park.

2. 随便吃点鸡肉吧,孩子们。

________________________ to some chicken,children.


my father _______________________ when he was young.

4. 他长大了,可以照顾自己了。

he is old enough ____________________ .


“whose wallet is it?” he _________________.

Language 篇6

period 2第二节


1. develop the students reading ability, especially their reading comprehension.

2. read the reading passage and know about body language

3. learn to communicate with body language.


step 1 presentation

today we come to the reading. it’s about body language.  read the passage "body talk", and let the students know people from different parts of the world use different body language. (三)教学过程

step 2 pre-reading discussions

get the students to read the text and discuss pre-reading and post reading questions.

(1) how is body language different from spoken language? what do they have in common?

(2) sometimes we say one thing but our body language says something different. why does this happen? can you think of any examples?


1 various answers are possible. ask the students to give reasons and examples to support their answers. pos¬sible answers include:

yes: a person's body language can tell us what he or she is feeling. for example, if someone is nervous, his or her hands may shake. if a per¬son smiles but his or her eyes don't look happy, we can guess that there is something wrong.

no: it is difficult to tell what a person is thinking by looking at their body language. people use body language in different ways and gestures may have different meanings in different ar¬eas. people don't always think about their body language, so we may misunderstand them if we try to guess what they are thinking or feeling. it is also possible for people to learn to use their body language to hide what they are really feeling or thinking.

2 yes, they do, but not always. some body language is the same in any culture. that is also the case in china. various answers are possible as china is a multicultural country.

3 answers may vary but ss should give a reason why they communicate the way they do. introduction learning a foreign language requires more than knowledge of its vocabulary, grammar, idi¬oms, and informal expressions. it also requires aware¬ness of its gestures and facial expressions since they can differ so much from culture to culture. summary

1 both words and body language can express how we think and feel.

2 gestures, a kind of body language, have different meanings in different cultures.

3 the way people greet each other varies from culture to culture.

4 some gestures, however, have the same meaning in most cultures.

5 smiles may be the most commonly understood fa¬ cial expression in the world. step 3 reading

read the text carefully again, and give the students some explanations.

step 4 listening to the reading passage

play the tape for the students to listen and follow. pay attention to the pro- nunciation and intonation.

step 5 post-reading


1 various answers are possible. situations where body language is important include: a job interview, a visit to a foreign country, a meeting, a speech, etc.

2 various answers are possible. body language is in some ways more limited than spoken language. some things would be very difficult to express using body language (see integrating skills in the wb). it is per¬haps easier to misunderstand body language. body language tends to support and add to spoken lan¬guage. both body language and spoken language use symbols to represent meaning; in the case of spoken language, we use sounds and sound combinations to represent words and meanings. both depend on our ability to interpret what we see or hear.

3 various answers are possible. the listening exercise describes lying, but there are several other situations where a person's body language may not match what he or she is saying: a speaker who is trying to sound confident but whose hands are shaking; a person who says that he or she is interested in what we are say¬ing but who looks away or taps his or her feet, etc. it probably happens because it is more difficult to con¬trol one's body language than to control what one says.

4 gestures in china:

waving one's hand(s); shaking one's head or hand; same as in the us; open one's eyes and mouth wide; same as in the us; no chinese gesture; no chinese gesture; moving one's hand up and down with the palm facing down (四)总结扩展

step 6 summary 小结 step 7 homework

Language 篇7

第二课时 language points

teaching aims:

master the words and useful expressions in the text.

using the language points.


1. match the words and the explanations:

in time                  下蛋

lay eggs                  产生;分娩

give birth to             及时;终于

in one’s turn            阻止;制止

prevent … from           轮到某人;接着

2. read the explanation and speak out the word it explains.

causing harm   adj.

sudden and powerful; using force to hurt or attack adj.

to be, or to be real; to live, or to live in difficult conditions

the number 1 000 000 000

the mixture of gases around the earth; a feeling that a place has of being pleasant

and interesting or exciting  n.


task 1: understanding.

a.match the phrases underlined with their correct meaning.

1.they were in time to produce carbon, nitrogen, water vapour and other gases.

2.they multiplied and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen.

3.carbon dioxide prevents heat from escaping from the earth. was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life.

a. increase in number       b. important

c. stop/keep…from          d. after a long period of time

b.try to find a sentence that can be replaced by the following one:

now it’s their turn to be the most important animals on the planet

c.translate the following sentence. was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life.

2. that made it possible for life to begin to develop.

task 2 learning the languages points: exploded loudly with fire and rock,which were in time to produce the water vapor,carbon dioxide,oxygen,nitrogen and other gases,...



i was just in time for the flight.我刚好来得及赶上那班飞机。

与time相关的短语  in no time立即,立刻  at any time 在任何时候at one time曾经,一度 at times 有时,偶尔on time按时,准时     of the time现在的,当时的 allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases,which had become part of the earth’s atmosphere,into the oceans and seas.



the readingroom doesn’t allow smoking.阅览室不准吸烟。

people are not allowed to spit in public.不许当众吐痰。

3.this encouraged the development of early shellfish and all sorts of fish.



there have been many new developments in gene.基因方面已经有几项新的发展。father watched the development of his baby with interest.爸爸充满兴趣地看着孩子的成长。

4.they were the last group of animals and they were different because they produced their young from within their bodies.



they are quite different in their tastes.他们的品位差异很大。

my opinion is different from yours.我的意见和你的不同。

5.small clever animals,now with hands and feet,appeared and spread all over the earth.



mum spread a new cloth bought in the supermarket on the table when we had dinner.


he spread out his arms to welcome us warmly.


6.they are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.


与这种结构相似的有stop sb./sth.(from) doing sth.(from可以省略) 和keep sb./sth.from doing sth.(from不可以省略)。



in time on time in no time at one time at times at any time

(1)—why are you in a hurry to leave here?

—get home ______ to bathe the children.

(2)these buses are never ______ and the passengers are always complaining.

(3)i am away,please call me ______ if someone come to see me.

(4)you can’t imagine this lake used to be a beautiful place in our province ______.

(5)he rushed out of the kitchen ______ when he heard the shout.

(6) ______ i sit silently and wonder if this kind of job is worth all the effort.


(1)—how are you getting on with your project?—______ your speed.

a.twice faster thanb.twice as faster asc.double twice as

(2)the house rent is expensive.i have got about half the space i had at home and i am paying ______ here. 3 times much much three timesc.much as 3 timesd.3 times as much

(3)in dry weather the flowers will have to be watered if they _____.

a.have survived b.are to survivec.would survive   d.will survive

(4)it was the boy,rather than his teachers _____ for what the boy had done.

a.are to blame  b.are to blamed to blame to be blamed

(5)_____ your father have bought a new bike for you,it’s no use going to the shop to buy another one. that   b.althoughc.after all   d.because of


read the text

Language 篇8

module 10 my future lifeunit 3 language in useteaching objectives:1. to check and practice the words in this module.2. to review the useful sentences and expressions.3. to review the points:1. key expressions: ---thank you for your help with our homework.                 i’ve learnt the importance of friendship.2. difficult points: the usage of some adj. teaching aids: tape recorder, ohp, handoutsteaching procedure:step 1. revision  revise the words and expressions in unit 1 and 2.step 2. presentation 1. ask the students to read the important sentences in this module.2. complete the conversation. join the words in box a with those in box b.then check the answers.3. complete the following sentences, using the correct form of the words.step 3. look at the picture and discuss the questions. ask the students to work in pairs and talk about the questions.    step 4. listen and read the passage1. listen to the tape.2. match the photos and the paragraphs.1) ask the students to read the passage again .2) match the photos with the paragraphs.3) choose the best answers to the questions.step 5. around the worldmake students read the notes and understand the meaning of it.   step 6. homework1. translate some sentences.2. write plans for your future.

Language 篇9

sefci unit 21body language第二课时reading说课稿


一 教材分析


根据英语课程标准对阅读课的要求,应着重培养学生的阅读策略;培养语感,培养学生在阅读过程中获取和处理信息的能力。因此通过教材所设计的pre-reading, reading及post-reading三项内容,循序渐进地训练学生运用略读与查读等阅读技能。

二 教学目标


1. 知识与能力目标:

在这节课里要理解、内化、运用以下生词及词组—fold、 anger、 vary、 thumb、 crazy、 mod、 part、 hug、 bow、 palm、 shrug、 incredible、 pat、 get through、 tear down、 chart。通过阅读获取关于body language的相关信息,且进行skimming, scanning, careful reading, generalization, guessing meaning等阅读技能训练。另外,还要充分利用网络资源,强化学生自主学习的意识,培养学生组织语言、运用语言的能力。


本节课的教学以建构主义学习理论为指导,以学生为中心,以问题为出发点,进行任务驱动,层层深入。利用“任务驱动”方法,使学生自主探究、解决一系列层层深入的问题,培养学生独立自主的思维意识。当面对难度较大的学习任务时鼓励学生采取小组合作的方式,这是因为“协作学习”更方便英语的交流和体验,有利于培养学生与他人合作的能力,同时信息差异也更能激燃起学生的“创新火花”。 在教学中,教师作为问题的精心设计者和疑难问题的点拨者,培养学生组织语言的能力。设置富有情趣的情境,激发他们的阅读欲望,积极主动地进行自主探究。循序渐进的设计问题 , 培养学生质疑意识,分析问题、解决问题、综合问题的能力和创造性思维能力。层层深入地引导学生进行自主和协作学习。培养学生筛选局部和整体信息的能力、独立阅读能力,通过自主学习和协作学习,获取信息和处理信息的能力。

3. 情感态度价值观:

在有趣的话题激励下,诱导学生积极参与,充分调动他们学习的兴趣。在共同完成设计的role play等任务的过程中,加强小组合作意识。而且通过本课教学,可以使学生了解不同国家的身势语,及在各国相同身势语所表示的不同交际含义。增强对中外“身势语”差异的敏感性,拓宽学生的文化视野,培养世界意识;通过文化地域对比,加深对祖国相关知识的理解,鼓励学生以满腔的热忱在语言情景中激发爱国主义热情。

三 教学难点与重点



四 教学策略与教学方法


英语课堂设计采用 “p—t—p” 自主学习立体模式。这种学习模式分pre-task, task-cycle, post-task三个步骤。pre-task:是引入话题的过程。在这个过程里,学生的认知处于主动状态,有完成任务的强烈愿望。而教师是学习的组织者、促进者;这是一个善导、激趣的过程。task-cycle:是任务的完成过程。在这个过程里,学生运用体验、参与、合作、实践、交流、探究等方式进行自主学习、合作学习,发展听、说、读、综合英语技能。教师是指导者、帮助者、参与者、合作者;这是一个引思的过程。post-task:是展示成果,交流成果的过程。在这个过程里,学生会体验到成功和喜悦,能够认识自己、树立自信。而教师是评价者、总结者;总结教学中的成功与不足;发现学生学习中的问题和不足。



在说完 “class begins”, 学生起立之后,不说”sit down, please.”而是给学生一个“请坐”的手势。然后,问学生一个问题:“你是怎样知道我的意思的?”。学生自然回答“手势”。借此机会给学生留下第一个任务:在我们的日常生活中,我们可以通过那些方式进行交流?

★ task1 :  in our everyday life, by which ways can we communicate with each other?



★  task2 : discuss the following three questions:

● can you guess what someone is thinking or feeling by looking at his or her body language?

● do people from different parts of the world use different body language? what about people who live in different parts of china?

● how do you communicate the following with body language?

thank you!   no.    yes.      i don’t know.      come here!

经过这三个问题的讨论会使学生置身于“身势语”之中,增添了实效性与可操作性。接着提问:“你们想更多了解身势语吗?” 以引入正文。

● do you want to know more about body language?


★  task3: find out the main idea of each paragraph.

main idea:

paragraph 1: we use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people.

paragraph 2: body language varies from culture to culture.

paragraph 3: the same body language has different meanings in some different countries.

paragraph 4: some gestures are universal.

paragraph 5: smile is the best example of universally understood body language.


★  task 4:  read the passage again and finish answering the following questions:

● find out the different meanings of eye contact, ok, thumps up, ”crazy” gesture.

● how to greet each other?

● how to express “i am tired.” “i am full.” “i am hungry.”

● what can smile help us?


● which of the following words is similar to “vary”?

a. change         b. be the same as         c. be similar to

● what’s the chinese meaning for the word “disrespectful” in paragraph ?

a 尊敬的          b 尊敬           c 无礼的



★  task5: role play

每4人一组,编一个短剧,要求表演的学生适当加上身势语和表情。表演完后进行评价:评价包括自评和互评,评价内容包括:语言、眼神、面部表情以及身体姿势。满分20 各项均4分。这个任务可以让学生在真实的情境中体验“身势语”,让阅读与交际相辅相成,而且有利于培养学生与他人合作的能力。在表演中可能会有学生作出与其语言不一致的身势语或表情。如果没有的话,就放一段这样的录象,然后问学生一个问题:有时我们说一样,但我们的身势语说的却是另一样。为什么会发生这样的事?你能举出一些例子吗?

sometimes we say one thing but body language says something different. why does this happen? can you think of any examples?



★  task6: find more information about “body language”。 ( group work )

(students are asked to find more information related to “body language” by internet, english books and newspaper. then show them to the class the next lesson in form of dialogue, speech, short play, etc. )


六 教学反思


Language 篇10

module 8 on the town

unit 3 language in use

课题 unit3 language in use 课型 revision and application 第 4 课时


目标 知识目标 to consolidate the use of infinitive and the key vocabulary in this module.

to understand the main contents of the reading passage.

能力目标 to complete the module task:preparing an entertainment poster.

情感目标 to teach the students to love lives and have an active,happy life attitude.


分析 重    点 to consolidate the use of infinitive and the key vocabulary in this module.

to understand the main contents of the reading passage.

难    点 key structures: infinitive.

关 键 点 key structure: infinitive

教法学法 formal and interactive practice,

task-based 教具

学具 tape recorder or computer

教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间

language practice

(the use of infivitive .)

read through the sentences with the whole class.

discuss what the highlighted points indicate with the students


activities 1 2  in unit 3(to summarise and consolidate infinitive.)

a1:ask them to do the activity individually,and then check with a partner..

call back the answers from the whole class as complete sentences. …

a2: oral practise.the studetns will say the whole sentences . ask them to do the activity individually,and then check with a partner..

call back the answers from the whole class as complete asks,anotehr answers.

activities 3

(we do these activities so that we can remember and use the vocabulary in this lesson.)

activities 4 and 5.(do some listening so that  i can train the students’ abilities of catching the main message through listening.)

a3: read through the words in the box with the whole class and have them repeat them chorally and invividually, if i feel it is necessary.

ask them to do the activity individually.

call back the answers from the whole class.

a4: listen and choose the correct answer.

a5:listen again and correct  answers.

a6: ask them to read through the sentences individually;they can complete anything they remember it again for them to complete,check and back the answers from the whole class.

教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间

activities 6 and 7

(we will do with it so that we’ll train the students’ ability of catching the main idea if the passage as quckily as they the same time they must learn the learning task.)

around the world

activities 8--1 1

(do some writing) a6: ask them to do the activity individually,and then check with a partner..

call back the answers in a whole-class setting.

(teach the stduents how to find out the correct answers)

a7: ask them to do the activity individually,and then check with a partner..

call back the answers from the whole class .

read it and know more about home schooling.

a9:write a composition about preparing an entertainment poster.

板书设计 module 8 on the town

unit 3 language in use


2.some key phrases or points

