
冠状病毒(coronavirus)是一类主要引起呼吸道、肠道疾病(respiratory and intestinal diseases)的病原体。今天小编在这给大家整理了英语日记大全_疫情英语作文,接下来随着小编一起来看看吧!


Since the pneumonia epidemic broke out in Wuhan in December, the number of people infected and patients who have died keep climbing. It is reported that the epidemic has something to do with the killing and selling of wild animals at South China Seafood Market. With the decrease of wild animals, many animals are endangered. Worse still,some of them may disappear forever.

There is no doubt that hunting and killing wild animals has a bad influence. For wild animals are killed for their fur, which causes the imbalance of nature. For another, due to the contact between humans and wild animals, epidemics like SARS and pneumonia may infect humans easily.

As far as I am concerned, something must be done to stop this illegal action. First, Nature Reserves are supposed to be built so as to offer more living space to wildlife. Second, be aware that never have wild animals for food, as they are part of environment. Third, it is high timethat we raised people’s awareness to protect wildlife. In this way, we can build a harmonious society and ensure a sustainable development.


Hello everyone:

This Spring Festival is spent in an extraordinary way. In epidemic prevention and control, no one is an "outsider" and no matter is a "foreign matter". The CPC Central Committee set up a leading working group to respond to the epidemic, launched a "first level response", and financial subsidies at all levels were issued. 100 million yuan (as of 0:00 on January 26), a batch of "retrograde" medical teams and people ' Do you say that you have no clothes, and you are the same as your son. This feeling of "dressing together" contains the original intention and mission of 1.4 billion Chinese people working together in the same direction; this common war "epidemic" practices the "rigid demand" of the people's heart, and you and I work together.

If you are worried about enlightenment, it will be difficult for you to prosper. In the joint fight against "epidemic", we "dress together" and share feelings, work together and walk together. I swear that I will practice it, never forget my original heart, keep in mind my mission, be responsible for local affairs, and fight ahead. We will have firm confidence and work together in the same boat. We will work together to prevent epidemic. One day, we will take off our masks and go where we want to go and sing about my dear motherland.


This Spring Festival is very quiet. Without the bustle of the past, people stay at home and dare not go out. It's better to have no one in the street than an empty city.


The novel coronavirus brought this quiet, which is better than SARS in 2003, but more brutal than SARS. Today, it has ruthlessly taken 812 lives in China. The whole of China is immersed in the fear of the virus. The origin of novel coronavirus in Wuhan is also the most serious area of epidemic development. People all over the country are watching the news of the epidemic every day. Although people all over the country do not leave home, their hope that the infected people will get better soon has already spread all over the country. Infected people are quarantined, we are quarantined from the virus but not from love. This love permeates the streets and lanes, and it condenses in everyone's heart.

是新型冠状病毒带来了这安静,它胜似2003年的非典,但比非典更残酷。至今日它无情的夺走了 国内812人的生命。整个中国沉浸在病毒带来的恐惧中。武汉市新型冠状病毒的起源地,也是当今疫情发展最严重的地区。全国人民每天都在关注着疫情的消息。虽然全国人民都足不出户,但他们希望感染的人们早日好起来的心早已散满全国。感染的人被隔离了,我们隔离了病毒但不隔离爱。这爱在大街小巷弥漫,这情凝聚在每个人心中。



Dear angels in white:




2020, novel coronavirus pneumonia has been raging across the country on the eve of the Spring Festival. People are trying to stay away from the virus, but you are going in the opposite direction, fighting day and night in the front line of the epidemic. For the sake of people's health, we should bring the hope of life to others and leave the danger to ourselves.


You walk in the opposite direction, leaving countless people in tears. I saw your countless touching deeds through the TV news, and shed tears for many times. In my heart, you are the most beautiful angel in white, the killer of disease.


According to the news, Professor Dong zongqi, 86 years old, although you are supposed to live in your old age at home, you are still at the forefront in case of illness. Many people are worried about your body, but you say, "what am I doing for my whole life, not just to save people?"? I am in good physical and mental condition. I can bear it. No problem! "

Come back healthy and safe


Dear Amy,

It is so considerate of you to receive your letter inquiring about novel cononavirus in wuhan. I am writing to tell you about this.

Since the outbreak of an infectious disease in wuhan in December 2019, the Chinese government has decisively closed down the city to prevent the spread of the disease. At the same time, although cases have been found throughout the country, the Chinese people actively face it, together with wuhan to fight the epidemic.

At this particular time, we should go out as little as possible, isolated. If we go out, we must wear protective masks to prevent ourselves from getting infected. In addition, we should keep good healthy habits and keep our body clean.

As many Chinese say, “come on Wuhan".

Yours, Li Hua






