

故宫英文导游词 篇1

Welcome you to Beijings Forbidden City! Also called the Forbidden City, here are two generations of the Ming dynasty in the imperial palace, for our country is now the largest and most prosperous of ancient architectural complexes, an area of 15500 square meters, more than 9000 houses. Around the Forbidden City has 10 meters high walls, corners of the wall have a magnificent strange watchtower.

From the meridian gate to enter the Forbidden City, and then along the central axis, in turn, to visit the jinshui bridge, the gate, taihe palace, zhonghe palace, Ming palace, tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility, the imperial garden. Visiting the imperial garden, can pass to the left of the garden door into the east sixth in turn to visit the palace of gathering excellence, yi kun palace, YongShou palace, salty fu palace, longevity palace, tai chi temple, and then the right door to dry bright square, east into the inside the left door, can, in turn, to visit the jubilee palace, yonghe palace, palace, sunell group by the palace. Visiting the east sixth changqing gate along the east, and then enter the emperor extremely door, can visit Huangji Palace, tranquility and palace, actors floor, chang pavilion, temple raises a gender, the qianlong garden, zhen princess well, finally a zhen shun the west door the creature can leave the palace door.

Today I can give you when I feel very honored to guide, I followed all of you to visit the beautiful Beijing the imperial palace, spent a happy day. I hope you come back to Beijing the imperial palace please when I when the tour guide, I can better explain the beautiful palace.

英文导游词 篇2

Zhengzhou is an old city. As early as 3500 years ago, it was an importantcapital of the Shang Dynasty. Zhengzhou has a long history and is one of thebirthplaces of the Chinese nation, which breeds the Chinese nation and itssplendid culture. There were five dynasties (Xia, Shang, Guan, Zheng and Han) asthe capital, and eight dynasties (SUI, Tang, Five Dynasties, song, Jin, yuan,Ming and Qing) as the prefecture. Peiligang culture 8000 years ago, Dahe village5000 years ago, Qinwang village and other types of Yangshao culture and Longshanculture sites are found in the area. According to historical records, thebirthplace of Huangdi, the first ethnic group of the Chinese nation, is locatedin Xinzheng, Zhengzhou city. The Xia Dynasty, the first slavery Dynasty inChinese history, had its capital built in Yangcheng (now Dengfeng City ofZhengzhou), and Shang Wang Zhongding moved his capital to? This shows thatZhengzhou was the political center of the country for a long time inhistory.

During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, Zhengand Han established their capitals in Xinzheng for more than 500 years. Duringthe Qin and Han Dynasties, Xingyang, Gong, Jing, Xinzheng and other countieswere established in Zhengzhou area. Xingyang once became the world's famouscapital of "Fu Guan Hai Nei". After that, Xingyang County, North Yuzhou andXingzhou were set up in Zhengzhou. In 583 ad, Xingzhou was changed intoZhengzhou. Sui kaihuang 16 years (AD 596 years) set up the State Administration.Guancheng, as the governance of Zhengzhou and Guanzhou, has become the politicaland economic center of Zhengzhou. After the opening of the Grand Canal andTongji canal by Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, Zhengzhou once became animportant hub of water and land transportation in China. After the capital ofBianjing was established in the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhengzhou belonged toJingji road. In the fourth year of Chongning (AD 1105), it was built as Xifu andbecame one of the four Fu counties in the Song Dynasty. In the early MingDynasty, Zhengzhou belonged to Kaifeng Prefecture. In the Qing Dynasty,Zhengzhou was promoted to Zhili twice.

At the beginning of this century, due to the intersection of pinghanrailway and Longhai Railway in Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou's national industry,handicraft industry and commerce developed rapidly. In 1923, the February 7thstrike broke out in Zhengzhou, which shocked China and foreign countries, andwrote a glorious chapter in the history of Chinese labor movement. From 1929 to1931, Zhengzhou once abolished the county and set up a city. Zhengzhou wasofficially established on October 22, 1948 and became the capital of HenanProvince in 1954.

关于英文导游词 篇3

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