

故宫天坛颐和园英语导游词 篇1

Dear tourists

hello everyone!

Today we are going to visit the temple of heaven, the place where theemperor worshiped heaven.

The temple of heaven is a sacred hall built by Emperor Yongle of MingDynasty. The main building is the Great Hall of worship, which is today's Hallof praying for new year. The temple of heaven has two walls: the outer wall andthe inner wall. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong, the Great Hall of worshipwas changed into the present Hall of praying for the new year, and the roof waschanged into blue glazed tiles, forming the world's largest architecturalcomplex of worshipping heaven.

In 1860, the holy land for worshiping heaven was looted by the British andFrench allied forces, and in 1900, it was ravaged by the Eight Power Alliedforces. After the founding of new China, it became a famous tourist attraction,as well as a lot of fitness people.

Now let's start our tour along the route that the emperor ascended thealtar.

Now we are going south along the central axis of the temple of heaven. Whatwe are going to see is the Circular Mound Altar where the ancient emperorsoffered sacrifices to heaven. Yuanqiu altar has two walls, which are squareoutside and round inside, in line with the statement that the sky is round andthe place is round. Each wall has four groups of doors, the size of the doorsare not the same, this is because the middle door is dedicated to the emperor,so tall, the emperor can only enter from the left side.

Other officials can only pass through the smallest door on the right. Whenwe come to the bottom of Yuanqiu altar, we are going to climb it soon. Butplease count how many steps there are on each level. When you get to the top,you will find that all the orders on the altar are nine or multiples of nine.Are these all coincidences? Of course not, because the ancients believed thatthe number of the extreme Yang of nine. So the craftsmen used this number togive the altar the meaning of "Loftiness".

Thank you for coming to the temple of heaven in Beijing. Welcome to comeagain next time!

故宫天坛颐和园英语导游词 篇2

Everybody is good! I am a little tour guide. By now I lead you to visit the beautiful Summer Palace.

The Summer Palace, also named qingyi garden. You see, this is the famous promenade. The gallery has more than seven hundred meters, is divided into 273. It has a long column, a green rows, rows neatly, like a trained soldiers; Have red paint of the rail, and between each cross sill have all kinds of decorative pattern, such as trees and flowers, figures, landscapes, and so on. Along with POTS of colorful flowers, floral scents in the corridor float to fall away, pure and fresh taste. Now, ladies and gentlemen, please be careful of cascade, and don't litter, garbage must throw into the garbage, protect the beautiful environment here!

Dear visitors, everybody follow me, please! This is a the most looking forward to you - kunming lake. Kunming lake is a long levee. Hubei has several forms of the stone bridge, had one hundred stone pillars on the railing. Pillars engraved with lions, they each demeanor, fantastic!

We're going to up the hill, you go! Our next attraction is the longevity hill. A three layers in the middle of the longevity hill pagoda. Alongside hits the towering trees, tree-lined, look like a huge jade.

It is the end of the Summer Palace one day tour. Do you think the scenery beautiful? After our country still has a lot of places of interest, we will watch the more beautiful sights! Dear visitors, goodbye!

故宫天坛颐和园英语导游词 篇3

hello everyone.

I'm Liu Xueqi, the guide of the temple of heaven in Beijing. You can callme Liu. Today I will accompany you on a tour of the temple of heaven inBeijing.

What we see now is the temple of heaven. The temple of heaven is the placewhere the emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties worship heaven and pray forharvest. It is also the largest existing temple in China. The temple of heavenis 1700 meters long from east to west and 1600 meters long from south to north.With a total area of 2.73 million square meters, there are outer altar wall andinner altar wall. The north side is round, and the south side is square,symbolizing "a round sky and a round place".

Now please follow me inside. Here is the hall of praying for new year. Itis 38.2 meters high and 24.2 meters in diameter. It faces south from the north.The whole hall is made of wood. Four golden dragons are carved in it,representing the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. The restrepresent twelve months and twelve hours.

Further inside is the echo wall, which is made of polished bricks andcovered with blue glass tiles. The echo wall has a peculiar echo effect. Whenone person talks against the wall and reaches the other end of one or twohundred meters, the other side can hear it clearly, which can be called strangeand interesting, creating a mysterious atmosphere of "interaction between heavenand man". Let's have a try.

Please look at the outside of Huiyin wall. It's a cypress over 500 yearsold. Because the texture of the trunk is very strange, it looks like ninedragons winding around and playing, so it's called Jiulong cypress. You can takea picture with it.

Dear tourists, today's one-day tour of the temple of heaven in Beijing iscoming to an end. Do you have a good time? I hope I can be a tour guide for younext time.

故宫天坛颐和园英语导游词 篇4

Hello, everyone. I'm your guide. In the next few days, you can just call meseason guide. First of all, welcome to this beautiful and magnificent temple ofheaven! Today we mainly visit the Qigu altar, Qinian hall, Yuanqiu altar,zhaigong and other places of interest. When visiting, please throw the garbageinto the dustbin, or carry plastic bags, strive to be civilized tourists!

In fact, the temple of heaven is the place for the Ming and Qing emperorsto "worship heaven" and "pray for the valley", which is located in the east ofZhengyang gate. The altar is round in the north and square in the south, whichmeans "round heaven and round place". Neitan, where we are now, is divided intoNorth and south parts. Tourists, look at the building in the north. It's called"Qigu altar". It is said that in the Qing and Ming Dynasties, because theproductivity was very low at that time and the harvest was controlled by God, aspecial "grain praying altar" was built in the north to pray for a good harvest.Every year, the emperor prayed to God in spring to give the world a goodharvest.

Please follow me. We are now at the "Hall of praying for new year" in thecenter of the inner altar. It is located on a three story round stone platformtomb. It is a round hall with triple eaves, 38 meters high and 30 meters indiameter. The three halls have dark blue glazed tiles, which are reduced layerby layer and radiate in shape. The top is crowned with a huge gilded top. Thishall has great artistic value in architecture and modeling. The white platformsymbolizes white clouds, the dark blue ceiling symbolizes the sky, and thepillars, colored paintings and gilded ceiling symbolize the rosy clouds. All ofthese make a beautiful shape of blue sky and jade world.

Tourists, look at this magnificent building in the south, the "round MoundAltar", which is specially used to worship heaven on the winter solstice. Thecentral building is a huge round stone platform called "round mound". The totallength between the two altars is 360 meters, which is higher than the groundcorridor. The Danbi bridge is connected to form a 1200 meter long north-southaxis of the temple of heaven, with a large area of ancient Berlin on bothsides.

Through the corridor, we see the building is the "Zhai Palace" on the southside of the west gate. It is said to be the residence of the emperor duringfasting before praying. "Zhaigong" also got its name.

After listening to my introduction, you must want to enjoy the beautifulscenery of the temple of heaven carefully, take photos and leave a message. Thefollowing time is for you, you have enough time to swim. One hour later, we arestill gathering here. I hope you will observe the time and keep the gardenclean. See you later!

故宫天坛颐和园英语导游词 篇5

Dear tourists

What we are going to visit today is the temple of heaven, the place whereemperors used to worship heaven. After Yongle Emperor of Ming Dynasty moved hiscapital to Beijing, he built the altar for worshiping heaven in the south ofBeijing, which imitated the Great Hall of Nanjing, covering an area of 2.73million square meters. The main building is the great memorial hall, which isthe location of the hall of praying for new year. The temple of heaven has outerwall and inner wall. It is round in the north and square in the south.

At the beginning, the temple of heaven and the temple of earth were bothTemple of heaven. It was not until the temple of earth was built in Beichengduring the Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty that they were separated, and a newround Mound Altar was added for the worship of heaven in the winter of MengDynasty. The original Hall of great sacrifice was changed into the hall of greatenjoyment, which was specially used for praying for the valley in the spring ofMeng Dynasty. At that time, the roof of the hall was already triple eaves, andthe blue, yellow and green tiles from top to bottom represented all things inthe world. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong, the hall of Da Xiang waschanged into the hall of praying for new year, and the roof tiles were changedinto blue glazed tiles. Thus, we have formed the world's largest architecturalcomplex of offering sacrifices to heaven. However, such a holy place forworshiping heaven was once looted by the British and French allied forces in1860, and then by the Eight Allied forces in 1900. When Yuan Shikai ascended thethrone in 1916, he also staged a farce of sacrificing heaven in the temple ofheaven.

In 1918, the temple of heaven was finally opened as a park. Afterliberation, the temple of heaven has not only become a famous touristattraction, but also an integral part of Beijing's urban green space. Not onlytourists come here, but also some elderly people who are dedicated to physicalfitness. Now let's start this tour along the route that the emperor ascended thealtar. Now we are going south along the central axis of the temple of heaven.What we are going to see is the Circular Mound Altar where the ancient emperorsoffered sacrifices to heaven. There are two enclosure walls in the round hill,which make the outside square and the inside round, in line with the statementthat the sky is round and the place is round. Each wall has four groups ofLingxing gates. From the East, there are Taiyuan, zhaoheng, Guangli andChengzhen in turn. There are three gates in each group, and there are 24 intotal, which is called "Yunmen Yuli". You can notice that the size of theLingxing gate is different, because the middle gate is dedicated to God, so itis tall; the emperor can only enter through the left gate; and other officialscan only pass through the smallest gate on the right. The platform outside thegate is the place where the emperor changed his ceremonial clothes and washesbefore the ceremony, which is called the platform with clothes. When we come tothe bottom of the round hill altar, we are going to climb it soon. But I ask youto pay attention to the number of steps on each level of the altar. At thehighest level, you will find that the number of steps and guard boards on thealtar is nine or a multiple of nine. Every time you climb a floor, you have tohave nine steps. The stone in the middle of the table is called Tianxin stone,and the first circle around it is built with nine huge fan-shaped stoneslabs.

故宫天坛颐和园英语导游词 篇6

Ladies and gentlemen

hello everyone! We are now at the zhaoheng gate of the temple of heaven,which is the South Gate of the temple of heaven.

The temple of heaven, located in the southeast of Beijing City, wasoriginally the holy land for the emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties to worshipthe heaven and pray for the valley. It is the world's largest existingarchitectural complex to worship the heaven.

The temple of heaven was built from the 4th to 18th year of Yongle(1406-1420) of the Ming Dynasty. It was built at the same time as the ForbiddenCity (the Forbidden City). It took 14 years and has a history of more than 580years. It covers an area of 273 hectares, 3.7 times larger than the ForbiddenCity and slightly smaller than the summer palace. The layout of the wholebuilding is in the shape of "Hui", which is divided into two parts: the innerand outer altar, each surrounded by the altar wall. The total length of theouter altar wall is 6416 meters. Originally, there was only the west gate, whichwas the main gate of the temple of heaven. It was the gate that the emperor wentin and out when he came to the temple of heaven for sacrifice. Today's East,South and north gates were all opened later. The total length of the inner altarwall is 3292 meters, with four "Tianmen" in the East, South, West and North. Inthe early Ming Dynasty, the festival of heaven and earth was held here, whichwas called heaven and Earth altar. In 1530, another Fangze altar (Ditan) wasbuilt in the northern suburb of Jiajing, and then the heaven and earth weresacrificed separately. From then on, it was dedicated to offering sacrifices toheaven and became a veritable Temple of heaven. Feudal emperors of all dynastiesattached great importance to the activities of offering sacrifices to heaven andvisited the temple of heaven twice a year. The first time was on the 15th of thefirst month of the lunar calendar, a grain praying ceremony was held in the hallof praying for new year to pray for the "emperor's God" to bless the harvest.The second time was on the winter solstice, when we arrived at the Yuanqiu altarto report the harvest and thank the emperor for his blessing. After the foundingof new China, the temple of heaven returned to the hands of the people who werereally masters of the country, and was listed as a national key cultural relicsprotection unit.

When we go in through the south gate and walk northward, the first thing wesee is the three tall stone platforms in the west of zhaohengmen, which arecalled the platform. There is a long pole on the stage, which is called wangdengpole. The pole was built in 1530, the ninth year of Jiajing in Ming Dynasty. Thepole is nine feet and nine inches long. When offering sacrifices to heaven, eachof the three lanterns has a big lantern with a diameter of six feet and a heightof eight feet. The lantern is specially made, four feet long and one foot thick,and has a convex dragon pattern. It can burn for 12 hours and is called "Panlongall night treasure wax".

Now in front of us is the Yuanqiu altar, commonly known as the sacrificialplatform, which is worthy of the name of the temple of heaven. Built in 1530(the ninth year of Jiajing reign of Ming Dynasty) and expanded in 1749 (thefourteenth year of Qianlong reign of Qing Dynasty), it is a three-layer stoneplatform surrounded by white stone railings, with a height of five meters. Inthe Ming and Qing Dynasties, the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven washeld in person by the emperor on the winter solstice every year. There are manymagical and interesting views on the architectural form of Yuanqiu altar. Thisis an outstanding building designed by the ancient Chinese people skillfullyusing the principles of geometry. The mathematical calculation of variousbuilding materials is extremely accurate, including the meaning and applicationof "Nine", which is praised and marveled by the vast number of visitors at homeand abroad.

The altar is divided into three layers with nine steps on each side. Eachfloor is surrounded by carved white marble railings. The number of railings isnine or multiple of nine, that is, 72 in the upper layer, 108 in the middlelayer and 180 in the lower layer. At the same time, the fan shaped stone slabslaid in each layer are also multiples of nine or nine. For example, the centerof the top layer is a round marble (called Tianxin stone or Taiji stone). Fromthe center stone outward, there are 9 pieces in the first ring, 18 pieces in thesecond ring and 81 pieces in the ninth ring; the middle layer is from 90 piecesin the tenth ring to 162 pieces in the 18th ring; the lower layer is from 171pieces in the 19th ring to 243 pieces in the 27th ring. There are 378 "nines" inthe three layers, which are 3402 pieces. At the same time, the diameter of theupper layer is 9 Zhangs (take 19), the diameter of the middle layer is 15 Zhangs(take 35), and the diameter of the lower layer is 21 Zhangs (take 37). Thecombined diameter of 45 Zhangs is not only a multiple of nine, but also themeaning of "Ninth Five Year Plan".

Why use nine or multiple of nine to design and build the altar? The reasonsare as follows: 1. According to the legend, the emperor lives in the nine foldheaven, and uses the nine or multiple of nine to symbolize the nine fold heaven,so as to show the supreme and the greatest of the celestial bodies. 2、 Inancient China, odd numbers were regarded as positive numbers, while even numberswere regarded as negative numbers. The heaven is Yang and the earth is Yin. Thetemple of heaven is used to offer sacrifices to heaven. It can only be builtwith Yang number. And "Nine" is regarded as "extreme Yang number", which is themost auspicious number. In addition to feudal superstition, this kind of designregulation reflects the superb mathematical knowledge and computational abilityof craftsmen at that time, which is really amazing.

From the south gate to the Yuanqiu altar, there is a burnt stove made ofgreen glazed bricks in the south corner of the inner wall. It is the place wherepine and cypress wood is burned during the sacrificial ceremony, and thememorial tablets and silk are burned after the sacrificial ceremony. There is aburying ridge beside the burnt stove. At the end of the sacrificial ceremony,the tail hair blood of the whole cattle is buried in the camp, which symbolizesthe meaning of drinking blood from the ancestors. As you can see, there areeight burning stoves in front of the burnt stove. These stoves are speciallyused for burning pine and cypress branches, pine flowers, pine pagodas, etc.when offering sacrifices to heaven. There are also a pair of stoves in the Eastand west gate of the altar.

Now we come to the imperial vault, which has a history of more than 400years. The hall is 19.5 meters high and 15.6 meters in diameter at the bottom.The whole hall is supported by eight eaves columns, with no crossbeam on thetop. It is made up of many bucket arches and the ceiling shrinks layer by layer,forming a beautiful dome shaped caisson. The stone platform throne in the centerof the hall is the place where the God card of the emperor is placed; the stoneplatform on the left and right in front of the throne is the place where theancestral tablets of the emperor are placed. The East and west hall outside thehall is the place for worshiping the sun, moon, stars, clouds, rain, wind andthunder. Now it is displayed as it is, and there are wax statues of officialsoffering sacrifices to heaven in the Qing Dynasty.

Now I'd like to introduce the echo wall, which refers to the high circularwall surrounding the imperial vault and the East and west side halls. Theperimeter of the wall is 193.2m, the diameter is 61.5m, the height is 3.72M andthe thickness is 0.9m. If two people stand under the wall behind the East andwest side halls in the courtyard, both face north and speak in a low voice tothe wall, they can talk to each other as if they were on the phone. It's verywonderful and interesting. That's why echo wall got its name.

Here is the charming echo of the round stone

There is a round stone in the center of the upper layer of the CircularMound Altar, which is another wonder that tourists are most interested in. Whenyou stand on the center stone and speak softly, your voice sounds grand andresonant. However, people who stand outside the second and third ring roads donot have this feeling. Why? It turns out that this is also a kind of acousticphenomenon: because the surface of the altar is very smooth, the sound waves canbe reflected quickly after they reach the stone fence boards with equal distancearound. According to the test of acoustic experts, the time from pronunciationto sound wave and back to the center stone is only 0.07 seconds. The speakercan't distinguish the original sound from the echo at all, so the resonance echoof the person standing on the center stone is especially loud. The feudal rulersdescribed this acoustic phenomenon as "hanging from the sky", which was theboundless return and consistent response of all the people in the world to theimperial court. At the same time, they gave the name of "yizhaojingCongshi".

We come out from the west of huangqiongyu, where there is an ancientcypress named jiulongbai. Its trunk is twisted and twisted, just like ninecoiled dragons, so it gets its name. It is said that this ancient cypress had ahistory of nearly a thousand years before it was built. In the temple of heaven,pine and cypress trees with long age, big height, no withering in four seasonsand lush green are widely planted. The sea of trees, the forest, the forest, theforest, the forest, the forest, the forest, the forest, the forest, the forest,the forest, the forest, the forest, the forest, the forest, the forest, theforest, the forest, the forest, the forest, the forest, the forest, the forest,the forest, the forest.

The road under our feet is called Danbi bridge

It's clearly a straight and straight Avenue. Why is it also called"bridge"? Because there is a ticket hole under the road, which just forms athree-dimensional intersection with the avenue above, so it's called bridge.This is a north-south stone terrace road. The total length is 360 meters and thewidth is about 30 meters. The whole bridge body rises gradually from south tonorth. The south end is about 1 meter high and the north end is about 3 metershigh. This design and construction, on the one hand, symbolizes the emperor'srising step by step, implying the meaning of rising to heaven; on the otherhand, it means that there is a long distance from the world to the sky. Danbibridge is the main axis of the inner altar of the temple of heaven, which playsan important role in connecting two groups of buildings: the south end of thecircular Hill altar and the north end of the Qigu altar. The stone road on thecenter line of the bridge deck is called "Shinto", and the stone roads on theleft and right sides of Shinto are respectively called "royal road" and "royalroad". The gods of heaven follow the "Shinto", the emperors follow the royalway, and the princes and ministers follow the royal way.

At the moment, we are standing at the entrance of Jinxian gate, commonlyknown as "Guimenguan". Why is it called "Guimenguan"? Because before thememorial day, the "Suo Mu" and "Suo Jun" of the sacrifice house in the southwestcorner of Waitan need to transport cattle, sheep, deer and rabbits from west toeast from the entrance to the slaughter Pavilion. This activity is called"Jinzhu". Because all the livestock passing through this gate were slaughteredand used to make offerings, it was called "ghost gate".

Continue to walk north along the Danbi bridge, and now on our left is theplatform of concrete clothes, which is located on the east side of the northsection of Danbi bridge and is a convex platform. This is the place where theemperor changed his coronal clothes (ceremonial clothes) when he went to thehall of praying for new year to worship the grain.

In the west is zhaigong, which is located in the pines and cypresses on thesouth side of the inner avenue of the West Tianmen. It used to be the placewhere feudal emperors fasted and bathed before they came to the temple of heavento pray for grain and worship. Zhaigong, covering an area of 40000 squaremeters, is a square building with a main hall, a bedroom and a bell tower. It issurrounded by two walls and a moat. The buildings are exquisite and the guardsare strict. When you enter the main entrance of zhaigong, you will see themajestic main hall with red walls and green tiles. It is said that this kind ofgreen tile is used to show that the emperor did not dare to be arrogant at thistime, but could only "be a minister to heaven". The hall is divided into fiverooms, arched and brick structure. The whole hall does not use beams or largebeams, so it is also called "no beam hall". There are two stone pavilions on theDanlong in front of the hall, and the one on the right is smaller, which is theplace to put the time tablet. The one on the left is square and tall, which iscalled "the stone pavilion of fasting bronze man". According to historicalrecords, during the emperor's fasting period, there was a square piece of clothcovered with yellow cloud satin, and a bronze statue one foot and five incheshigh. The bronze man worshipped a bamboo plate with both hands, engraved withthe word "fast" to make the emperor "startling and respectful". It means thatthe emperor should be alert and never forget to fast attentively. There arethree forms of fasting bronze man in Qing Dynasty: one is the statue of WeiZheng, a famous official in Tang Dynasty, one is the statue of Leng Qian, amusic official in early Ming Dynasty, and the other is the statue of Gang Bing,a eunuch in Ming Dynasty. It is said that these three people are famous fortheir uprightness and courage to remonstrate in history. This system wasestablished in the 11th year of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty, and it was also used inQing Dynasty. According to the regulations, the bronze figure here islengqian.

Now in front of us are the hall of praying for new year and the altar ofpraying for grain

This is the holy place for the Ming and Qing emperors Meng chun to pray forthe valley. The hall of praying for the new year adopts the structural form ofupper room and lower altar. The triple eaves are folded up layer by layer andmade into umbrellas. It is erected on the round altar surrounded by three layersof white stone carvings with a height of 5.6 meters and an area of 5900 squaremeters. The hall of praying for the new year is commonly known as the beamlesshall. The whole building does not need long purlin and nails, but is completelysupported and tenoned by 28 Optimus pillars and numerous Fang, Mu Dui, Jue,bolt. The hall was built in 1420, the 18th year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty.It was originally known as the great sacrificial hall and was rectangular. Inthe ninth year of Jiajing reign in the Ming Dynasty (1530), it was changed intoa round hall with triple eaves and covered with green, yellow and green tilesfrom top to bottom, which was renamed Daxing hall. In the 17th year of the reignof Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (175), the name was changed to today'sname. At the same time, it was changed to cover with dark blue glazed tiles tosymbolize the blue sky. In 1889, the hall was destroyed by thunder and fire andrebuilt the following year. The bronze cauldron and furnace displayed in frontof the hall are all relics of hundreds of years ago. It is said that the numberof pillars in the temple was set up according to the celestial phenomena. Thefour gilt pillars in the inner layer are called "Longjing pillars". They are18.5 meters high and 1.2 meters in diameter at the bottom. They are alsodifficult to embrace, symbolizing the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn andwinter. The 12 red pillars in the middle symbolize 12 months of a year. Theouter 12 eaves pillars symbolize the 12 hours of the day. The 12 gold pillars inthe middle layer and the 12 eaves pillars in the outer layer add up to 24,symbolizing the 24 solar terms in a year. The golden column, eaves column andLongjing column add up to 28, symbolizing the 28 constellations in the sky. Add8 child pillars around the caisson on the top of the palace, a total of 36,symbolizing 36 Tiangang. The Lei Gong column in the center of Baoding symbolizesthe "unification" of the emperor of heaven.

What we see below is Huangqian hall. It used to be the place where thetablets of God and ancestors of the emperor were placed. It is also known as thebedchamber of qigutan. Later, the banners, ceremonial guards and musicalinstruments used in the sacrificial ceremony were also stored here. There aremany sacrificial relics in it. Now they are displayed as they are, and there arewax statues of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty for tourists to see all the yearround.

Located on the East and west sides of the courtyard in front of theplatform of the hall of praying for the new year, are the East and west sidehalls, which were used to place the memorial tablets of sun, moon, star, Chen,cloud, rain, wind and thunder respectively. Now it is respectively set up todisplay the ancient music and etiquette of the imperial court, as well as thememorial tablets of sun, moon, star and Chen.

What we see now is that the "divine kitchen" used to be a place whereanimals were slaughtered and sacrifices were made. Below you can see the God'sstorehouse, the storehouse for collecting sacrifices. Now it passes through aW-shaped corridor with 72 rooms, which plays an important role in connecting thegrain praying altar, the God kitchen, the God storehouse and transportingsacrifices. The number of rooms in the corridor is exactly the same as that of72 Disha. In the past, it is said that this is the place where Disha ghostsgather. The lantern type vertical lights in the corridor are dim and gloomy.Later, the window sill was removed, which greatly changed the landscape of thecorridor and became a good place for people to play.

Tianquan well is located in front of the gate of shenku, which is named forits clear and sweet water. All the food and pastries used in offering sacrificesto heaven and praying for grain are made with this water.

Now on our left is the seven star stone, which is located in the open fieldon the southeast side of the corridor. There are seven big stones and one smallstone. According to legend, when Emperor Yongle of Ming Dynasty moved hiscapital to Beijing, he wanted to build a temple for heaven and earth, but it wasdifficult to find a suitable place. At this time, one night he dreamt that theBig Dipper in the sky landed here, which was called tiansuiyi. He solved theproblem of indecision and ordered to build an altar here. According to therecords, the seven star stone was carved and placed here in the ninth year ofJiajing reign of Ming Dynasty. Emperor Jiajing was very superstitious in Taoism.Taoists told him that the South and east of the hall of praying for new year wastoo empty, which was not good for his throne and life. So the seven star stonewas set here to suppress Feng Shui. There is also a small stone in the northeastcorner of the seven star stone, which is said to have been added by the rulersof the Qing Dynasty to commemorate the merits of their ancestors. It is locatedin the northeast of the seven star stone, to show that do not forget theoriginal meaning.

This is the east gate of the temple of heaven. I'll introduce you to thetemple of heaven. Thank you.
