


Early life

Huang Jiguang, formerly known as Huang Jiguang, lunar January 8, 1931 was born in Sichuan Province, a mountain village, Huang Jiguang ancestors suffered three generations of oppression of the landlord class, his father died early, he was 10 years old to the landlord to work, suffered the landlord's brutal exploitation And oppression. Struggling in the suffering of the mother told Huang Jiguang, grew up after the poor people to make a comeback effort. In November 1949, Huang Jiguang's hometown was liberated. He actively participated in the anti-hegemony of the bandits, was elected as the village children's regiment, had led the militia to escape the landlord, found false possession of long possession of firearms and ammunition, was named militia model.

1950 after the start of the Korean War, the domestic demobilization of soldiers and a large number of conscripts. In March 1951, Zhongjiang County recruited volunteers recruits, Huang Jiguang in the village first reported. At the time of medical examination, he was not selected because of his shortness. To the conscription of the battalion commander was Huang Jiguang join the enthusiasm of the army moved, agreed to exceptional admission.

Huang Jiguang with the troops across the Yalu River, to the DPRK front, Huang Jiguang was assigned to the fifteenth army first three five regiment two battalion six re-election correspondent. Into the hinterland of the battlefield, see everywhere is full of crater, a scorched earth, the air exudes a strong smell of gunpowder, so that his heart filled with the invaders of hatred and anger. Can not wait to join the battle immediately, and more to destroy the enemy.

Huang Jiguang finally came to the front line, but assigned to serve as correspondent. Fighting is divided into frontier and logistics, wanted to go forward to kill the enemy, but, according to need, Huang Jiguang and deputy instructors were left in the logistics. Huang Jiguang heart like knocked over the flavored bottle: it is not the taste. He saw a fellow Wu Sanyang, Xiao Dengliang killed a lot of enemies, really envy. So he told the deputy instructor to leave for three days, the deputy instructor learned that he wanted to go with the fellow to the frontier, the deputy instructor seriously said to him: "You see my watch, hour, minute hand, second In the turn, why is it in the push what is pushing it? ", The deputy instructor with a knife to open the back of the watch, revealing many parts, he continued," This is the winding, gear, small screws, if missing, or One of them stops the operation, the other side of the needle will turn? Our battlefield is like this watch, each warrior is one of the small parts, although the division of labor is different, but their role is the same. Huang Jiguang listening to the deputy instructor's conversation, my heart bright a lot, he profoundly aware of their own one-sided thinking, determined to play a good "little screw" role, for the company, for the entire battlefield to contribute their own strength.

In April 1952, the troops to the five holy mountain front positions to defend, wanted to kill the enemy meritorious service Huang Jiguang was assigned to the company logistics. After the sub-instructors meticulous ideological work, Huang Jiguang understand the importance of logistics work, everything is doing very well. In July 1952 joined the China New Democratic Youth League (the predecessor of the Chinese Communist Youth League). Approved by the higher, he won the third class once.

October 14, 1952, Shangganling battle began. Huang Jiguang in the Chinese People's Volunteers offensive forces by the machine gun fire suppression when the fire is responsible for the task, he threw a grenade but failed to complete the task. Eventually he used the body to block the enemy's bunker gun eye, so that the follow-up forces to capture 597.9 high ground, where the party party to chase him as a formal party member of the Communist Party of China.

Heroic deeds

October 14, 1952, the United Nations began to Gangwon Road, Jinling County, Ganling Mountains 597.9 high ground and 537.7 Beishan Heights launched a crazy attack. Shangganling is located in the five sacred mountains, is the center of the volunteer midfielder, but also into the United Nations military heart of a steel knife. In less than 4 square kilometers of high ground, the United Nations army with two divisions of the troops, in the aircraft, tanks, cannons with the continuous attack launched. Volunteers and the United Nations forces launched a fierce battle.

On the evening of 19, Huang Jiguang where the second battalion was ordered to move up the right side of the high-altitude 907.9 counterattack, must occupy the position before dawn, lay the foundation for the victory of the whole fight back. United Nations forces located in the top of the group firepower, to suppress the volunteer troops can not move forward. The chief of staff ordered the 6th organization blasting group to blow it up. 6 even to the enemy launched five assault, failed to destroy the enemy firepower, and one after another comrades down. At this time only 40 minutes away from the dawn. time is life. At this critical moment, standing behind the chief of staff Huang Jiguang to come forward. He took out the letter has long been written to the chief of staff, earnestly said: "the task to me, as long as I have a breath, to ensure the completion of the task." Huang Jiguang wrote in the book of determination, "resolutely completed the superior pay

To all the tasks, for meritorious service when the hero, to join the party. "Camp chief of staff turned, meditation moment, in the face of Huang Jiguang firmly said:" Huang Jiguang, the task to you. I appointed you for the 6th and 6th class executive squad leader, be sure to complete the task. Huang Jiguang immediately after the task, immediately put on the grenades, led the two soldiers to the enemy's fire point to climb them in the light of the bright light to move forward, when the enemy from the fire point only three 40 meters, a soldier sacrifice, another soldier seriously injured .Huang Jiguang's left arm was pierced, blood flow as a column, the face of the enemy's fierce fire, he was no fear, endured the pain, still step by step Stop at the enemy fire point of advance in the enemy fire point of eight or nine meters when he raised his right hand grenade to the enemy, but because the fire point is too big, only blow up half of the time, when the troops to take advantage of the impact, the remaining The bunker of the machine gun and suddenly crazy fire, the volunteer counterattack force of the assault was blocked .At this time, Huang Jiguang again wounded again. Day will be bright, then Huang Jiguang side has no ammunition, the body and more injuries, he tenacious climb Fire point, directed at the enemy mad spray fire tongue of the muzzle, straighten the chest, open arms, rushed up the moment, the enemy is spit out the flames extinguished, is roaring machine guns dumb Huang Jiguang with young life for the troops opened up the road of victory in the Huang Jiguang heroic excitement, the troops shouting "red ah! For Huang Jiguang revenge!" Marching Huang Jiguang crawling the road, and soon occupied the position , Wipe out two battalions of the garrison.

story background

Tragic Shangganling battle, at the time to create the history of world war in the highest density of firepower. In only 4 square kilometers of the position, the "United Nations" has invested 60,000 troops, pouring 1.9 million shells and 5,000 bombs, up to 300,000 hair a day. Volunteers have also invested more than 40,000 troops, fired shells 400,000 made. Positions on the vegetation gone, the rock composed of the hill was labeled as half a meter deep powder heap.

In such an ordinary hard to imagine the flare, the volunteers to repel the world's most powerful fire to the United States led by the invaders, mainly because there are countless heroes such as Huang Jiguang.

Although Huang Jiguang joined the army for more than a year, but in the party organization of education and the old warrior's words and deeds, and soon learned the people's army of fine traditions and heroic tenacious fighting style, in a short period of time to grow into a good warrior. At the crucial moment he was able to take the gun eye, which was the result of the training of the people and the education of the party. Some Western military strategists believe that only to find out why the Guandan Ling line is not broken, can really understand the Chinese army. For more than 50 years, the word "Shangganling" has become synonymous with our military heroic tenacity, and the spirit of the Shangganling is always worthy of flourishing. Huang Jiguang, will always live in the hearts of the people!

In his hometown as a militia, Huang Jiguang had wittyly captured a fleeing landlord, sensational village. He from the first day of the army, it is necessary to kill the enemy meritorious service. In addition to his good correspondent work, but also often to the class to the soldiers to learn grenades, grenades, automatic rifles and other weapons use, many times by the company commander. Because of his excellent work, people are clever, battalion commander Huang Jiguang to the camp as a correspondent.

His comrades rushed to the "zero" position found that Huang Jiguang Dun real body is still pressure on the enemy's shooting hole, his hand also firmly clinging around the sack, wide chest also tightly blocked the enemy's gun Mouth ... ... people see, Huang Jiguang's legs have been interrupted, there are seven seriously injured, behind him there is a long bloodstains. After the sacrifice of Huang Jiguang all the wounds are not bleeding, there is no blood before the bunker - blood on the road streamer! Can imagine, at the last moment, Huang Jiguang is how strong perseverance, dragging seriously injured body, climbed to the enemy's bunker Before, and jumped up.

Regrettably, because Huang Jiguang childhood poor, never to pass a phase. After sacrifice, although people take pictures of the body, the image is very tragic and difficult to distinguish. In the promotion of heroic deeds, because of a photo can not be found, had to use a piece of silhouette of the gun eye to replace. After the war, then witnessed Huang Jiguang heroic deeds of the soldiers most of the fighting in the later sacrifice, only 135 regiment 6 even long million blessing to live after injury. He heard the newspaper said in the hospital that Huang Jiguang was only posthumously awarded "second hero", had a book affection. Volunteer headquarters revoked the Huang Jiguang "second hero", posthumously awarded the "super hero" title - our army so far only Yang Gensi and Huang Jiguang won this level of honor. The Party Committee of the Party commemorates that he is a member of the Communist Party of China and has been awarded the title of "exemplary member". The Chinese people's volunteer army leading organs for him to write a special power, and applaud the "super hero" title.

In 1953 April, Huang Jiguang's mother Deng Fangzhi as a representative attended the National Women's Congress. Mao Zedong also invited Deng Fangzhi to Zhongnanhai own home guest, expressed respect for the hero.



Huang Jiguang (January 8, 1931 - October 19, 1952), national hero. Born in 1931 in Zhongjiang County, Sichuan Province, the Chinese People's Volunteers 45th Division 135 group 9 even the correspondent. October 19, 1952 in North Korea Ganling area 597.9 high ground sacrifice, only 21 years old. The Democratic Party of the Democratic People's Republic of China was appointed by the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to grant him a "hero of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea", and the Democratic Party of the Democratic People's Republic of China (DPRK) Title and Venus Medal and 1st National Flag Medal.
